Monday, November 23, 2009

Osterizer Blender Imperial Iv

Demi in AMA's 09 B-day

Yesterday we celebrated the American Music Awards (AMA's) and Demi was invited as a presenter, this time was the second time participating in this event. She and Kris Allen presented the award Soul / R & B female artist whose winner was Beyonce could not be present at the gala. With ocean up I leave a photo and a video Paulo15dsm. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Preventing Shoe Creases

Your yoga center in the north of Madrid , we find in the Montecarmelo Neighborhood Association, located at Avenida Satuario Valverde, No. 48. Metro: Montecarmelo. zonal Plano
Getting e-mail Phone: 91 750 97 79-699 60 94 11. mailto:

groups and schedules

-Class Week-

Adult Yoga:
Monday and Wednesday mornings
: 10.30h 11.30h. Evenings: 19.00ha 20.00h - 9:15 p.m. 20.15ha

Afternoons: 19:15 h to 20:15 h

Yoga for moms and babies from 0 to12 months : Moms & Babies Yoga
Mornings: 11.45am to 24:45

Yoga for pregnant women: Prenatal Yoga
Monday and Wednesday
Evenings: 6:45 p.m. 17.45ha

Yoga for children:

Thursday Evenings: 17:30 h to 18:15 h

Meditation Group:
Wednesday 11:45 to 12:45

-Special Sessions-

Prenatal Yoga and Prenatal Education :
more punch in this link: Special Sessions

-month- Classes
Family Yoga

Family Yoga (babies from 0 to12 months):
One Sunday a month
Mornings: 11.00 24:00

Family Yoga (ages 2 to 5 years):
One Sunday a month
Mornings: 1:15 p.m. 12.15ha

The yoga benefits every human, no matter whether a child older person, male or female. No matter what the personal beliefs. With yoga stretch our body and, at best is a tense and rigid, when it most needs. Rejuvenates our cells providing more oxygen. It also rejuvenates the brain causing their performance is higher. Reduce stress by keeping cortisol levels in check. We are calm and serene allowing us to rest. It gives us energy and vitality. And brings us closer to our inner self, discovering who we are, what we want and where are our limitations. In addition, secrete endorphins! give us a great sense of wellbeing. But there is little point about the benefits yoga, you need to experience and discover for yourself how it feels to practice yoga. "TRY A FREE CLASS"

Enema Without Equipment

Yoga Yoga - Prenatal Education - Massage Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal Yoga, doctors usually recommend moms walk or do some exercises to your state. Yoga is an alternative that is being increasingly recommended for pregnant women. Some benefits of yoga during pregnancy, provides and maintains the elasticity, improving and maintaining muscular flexibility, increases the chances of a natural birth and a speedy recovery, and relaxes the mind remains calm and balanced and helps control breathing and circulation, prevents anxiety, relax tension, strengthens the spine, helps to solve problems such as swollen feet and legs, backache, etc., that makes women feel safer, better learn to accept physical and emotional changes, improves mood, helps women to have better digestion , promotes sleep, stress and softened off fatigue. You feel more energized, more relaxed and vital.

prenatal In education, the main tools are: meditation, visualizations, songs, stories ... to help you create a strong bond with your child, you feel more secure, sabiduía rely on your body and reach the moment of birth and upbringing, calm and confident.

Prenatal massage therapy is a body focused on the special needs of the body of the mother who acts in the prevention and relief from many discomforts that occur during the period of gestation. It also has a direct influence on fetal development, helping to create healthier uterine environment and quiet. Among the main advantages of prenatal massage is the feeling of wellbeing, relief from stress and physical and mental fatigue.

Weekly Classes Monday and Wednesday : 6:45 p.m. 17.45ha

tuition: Subject to availability. Information phone: 91 750 97 79-699 60 94 11. Or email:

Wikipedia Milena Velba Is Milena Velba Married?

Moms and Babies 0-12 Months

The baby has arrived, a moment of great happiness and many changes in a new rhythm of life in the family.
yoga sessions will provide you with your baby simple movement techniques, meditation, concentration, and relaxation to share with your baby. Basic yoga postures that make up the baby in the exercises. Help you relax, to trust in you, discover the things you can do with your baby in your arms.
The baby in the sitting room has a gentle exercise and massage by yourself.
The group is very rich with babies from 0 months to 12 months.

Weekly Classes Monday and Wednesday : 11.45am to 24:45

Meterse En La Pagina Tech Deck Live

Yoga for children: What is the YOGA for KIDS and why practice?

What is YOGA for KIDS and why practice?

Yoga is an ancient science that helps create health and wellness building awareness, strength and flexibility in the mind and the body. Yoga is a practice that confers equal benefits to all who practice it, regardless of their physical abilities. Yoga postures, or asanas, are practiced by people of all ages and in many different states of health and fitness.

Its practitioners have long attested to the benefits of yoga, including stress relief and pain, improving circulation and digestion, better body alignment, improved concentration, breathing deeper and more relaxed , and a feeling of wellbeing and inner peace. The question is: Does the Yoga also those advantages also in children?. The answer is Yes, and much more!

Yoga is a fun way for children to develop important skills in a positive environment, not competitive. Even at a young age, children often feel the pressure at school, both socially and academically, as well as the pressure in organized competitive sports. It is easy for children to become extremely self-critical and lose confidence in themselves when they change and grow. Yoga is a great remedy, not form opinions in a yoga class on how the child makes a stand or make a game. Make a stand "perfectly" is not a goal of Yoga, which nurtures inner strength and self-acceptance of the child.

This atmosphere favorable for the development encourages children to relax and have fun while developing not only the strength, coordination, flexibility and balance, also body awareness, better focus, concentration and self confidence. In fact, a 2003 study conducted by the University of California found that children attending a school in Los Angeles who often had yoga classes, saw a significant increase in their self-esteem, as well as in general fitness, academic performance and to give a decrease discipline problems because students were more relaxed and more in keeping with their peers. In

Yoga classes for children, a body balance spontaneity and structure, so that children learn to listen to each other while learning to express themselves creatively. We believe that children learn best when having fun, so in Yoga classes for children, are mixed stories, songs, games and positions, allowing children to learn in a multi-sensory learning research kinesthetic, visual, aural, and inter intra personal. This makes Yoga classes for children are much more active than yoga for adults, and do a lot more fun!.

In Yoga class, it also encourages children to respect and be attentive to their bodies, ensuring that each position is nice and moving in and out of positions when they feel ready (something what many adults have difficulty). As children grow and their bodies change rapidly this becomes an important skill.

Apart from the immense physical and mental benefits, a central tenet of the practice of Yoga, is the respect and honor for ourselves, for others and for our environment.

In a yoga class, children often make magical trip around the world, learning about many cultures in their course. And like many yoga postures are of animals, children also learn about different animal habitats, endangered species and can often share their knowledge about a favorite animal.

Children have an innate affinity with the natural world and animals in particular. Understand the land and still enjoy learning about it and when they can take care of her and her inhabitants, both human and animal and plants.

Yoga is a holistic practice, with a focus both inside and out, and most importantly

Yoga classes for children up to 9 years, every Thursday from 17:30 h to 18:15 h in the Neighborhood Association of Valverde Avda.Santuario Montecarmelo No 50

Come and have fun, come try a free class.!

Information and reservations: 917509779. 699609411, 606034339

Printer In Room Unhealthy

The Family Yoga is a fun activity that integrates learning through experience and the ancient techniques offered by yoga.
Share a yoga session with children and enjoy it requires that we know and accept that we all learn by imitation, that children maintain the ability to capture and integrate information and experiences while still in motion and the idea of \u200b\u200brelaxation involves immobility is learned and not n real EQUIRED . We all learn by imitation.
Boris Cyrulnik, recounts in his book "Body and Soul" an experiment with chimpanzees: measuring the brain responses of a group of chimpanzees to perform certain movements realized that these were the same in another group of chimpanzees I was just watching. This corroborates our learning by imitation. Adults are responsible for esc Oger environments in which they develop smaller, why the environment is influencing their occurrence a neural connections and not others, the environment is determining what the child learns.
Decide if we spend our free time in a mall or walking in a natural setting amid a group of people in a tense or relaxed, is important, have different effects on the child and adult! .
children retain the ability to capture and integrate information and experiences while still in CAPTURE ent. The years of "education" we have received have created certain habits that we now understand as inherent to being human. We have forgotten that we were different before integrating all experiences we have lived. Watching the little ones helps us remember what we were recognizing some really valuable skills: ability to enjoy spontaneity, freedom of expression and creation, ... .
All this means that the child is quite capable of learning to be in full swing. Indeed, his whole body needs to involve learning to make this effective and real. The child is not seen as a set of parts: head, hands, thoughts, ... but has an overall perception of itself and thus not necessary to listen to keep still.
For example, the child is not convinced that listening only with ears ... perceived why the vibration through your skin and feels different depending on how close or distant, depending on your position ... No wonder that, faced with a voice, try to get the most from this experience with her body ofrece.La idea of \u200b\u200brelaxation involves immobility is learned and not necessarily real. In the whole body is movement: the heartbeat, breathing, bowel movements, the fluids that run through us ... . The same is true in the area of \u200b\u200bthought, an idea occurs to another continuously.
If we force the body to remain motionless against their needs are likely to experience many considerably from sensations of relaxation. It is true that physical immobility (skeletal muscle) helps to calm the mind while remaining attentive to their business, but we must remember that this immobility is learned through years of practice and that, once built, it is likely that no longer necessary to maintain the serenity for which it was developed.
a child is very anxious than a child in motion. Therefore, the fact that a child is still not synonymous with that is relaxed and vice versa. What it usually happens is that compared to an adult child moving is nervous ... but that is an issue that it is not the child to adult.
Relax in the movement is one of the wonderful things that children can help us remember. Class


First group: infants aged 0 to12 months.
One Sunday a month from 11.00 24:00

Second Group: children 2 to 5 years.
One Sunday a month 1:15 p.m. of 12.15ha

Bible Words For Housewarming Invitation

Family Yoga Asanas tables recommended

-during pregnancy-

Asanas: Neck

Benefits: Relieves tension in the neck and shoulders. It's relaxing.

Period: Anytime.

Description: Begin standing or sitting. Inhale. When you exhale, bring your chin to your chest. Inhale and bring head back up the middle. Exhale, and bring your right ear towards right shoulder. Hold this position for approximately 15 seconds, breathing during this time. Inhale and slowly raise your head back downtown. Exhale slowly and repeat movement with left ear and left shoulder.
Reps: Three times on each side.

Asana: Shoulder

Benefits: Open the chest and upper back, relieves tension in shoulders and upper back. It's relaxing.
Period: Anytime.
Description: Begin standing or sitting. Place the fingertips of each hand on respective shoulder, thumb towards back. When you inhale, bring elbows forward and lift toward the ceiling. Exhale and bring elbows back behind you and down. As elbows come forward, feel your back opening. As elbows come back, feel the opening of your chest. Make three backward circles. Repeat three times in a forward motion
Repetitions: Three circles in each direction.

Asana: Cat and Cow

Benefits: Expands and strengthens abdominal muscles. Ideal for relieving pain in the lower back. Relaxing and energizing.
Runtime: In the morning, afternoon or early evening.
Description: on floor in four points. This is a great position because the baby is no longer resting against the nerves in your back. Bring hands forward so that your palms touch the floor, and raise your buttocks and back so you form a tabletop, with your hands under your shoulder and knees below hips. Inhale. Exhale and bring tailbone slightly back, bringing energy through your spine. Your back should be very slightly curved. Let your head hang down, looking at your knees. Inhale, bringing tailbone slightly forward as you lengthen your spine and lift head towards ceiling. Exhale and repeat.
Repetitions: Three times .

Asana: The child's position

Benefits: Expands chest and opens up lower back. It's relaxing.
Period: Anytime. Description: Go onto floor on all fours, open up the knees, keep the fingers of your feet together, heels separated. Take the buttocks to your heels. Low on their forearms. Bring forehead to the floor. As your belly grows, you can put a pillow under your forehead. Breathe and relax. Stay in this position as long as you're comfortable, concentrating on slow, rhythmic breathing. Take your hands up to chest and inhale into sitting position.
Repetitions: Once .

-Yoga Express:
Do it in house or work-

Anytime, anywhere, do a simple yoga asana can relieve your body and mind, a few minutes to relax, recover energy, improve circulation and even favor digestión.EstimulanteEsta Yoga dose of stimulant, is also a general warming of the body, making it ideal to start your yoga session or to start the day.

Asana: Sun Salutation

why. Basic flow of postures Yoga Bound for a global warming of the body.
Where I can do. In a chair in the office or at home. When
. Before starting the work day, during a break mid-morning or mid tarde.Tiempo. About 6 minutes.
how. Sit on the edge of the chair, the thigh support. While portions of your body weight on both feet, in line with hips. Inhale deeply, board expires and the palms of the hands in the middle of the chest. Inhale and slowly raise your hands above your head stretching both sides. Exhale and bend forward from hips, back straight, until your upper body to rest on her lap. Let your arms relax to the ground with their hands out of the legs, feet together. If you can, try playing with the palm of his right hand the ground and left arm raised to the ceiling, keep your eyes left arm. Go back down the arm. Inhale and stretch both arms forward as you raise your back round to the top. Exhale and lower your hands back in front of the chest. Repeat the same sequence and turns down his left arm toward the ceiling. You can do this cycle a few times.

Asana: Energizing. Warrior position
why. improves concentration and provides energy physical and mental. Strengthens the back and legs, tones the arms and ankles, increases your flexibility and balance. In addition, harden thighs and buttocks. Where
. Best in a place where you do not see anyone. When
. Before an important meeting.
time. 10 minutes.
how. Stand with legs wide apart, find an imaginary line in the match the heels, turn your right foot to the side and leave the other front. 90 gados knee flexed to match the ankle. Keep your torso straight, tighten your abs, raise your arms to shoulder height and look at the fingertips right hand. Breathe normally. Then repeat the same sequence on the other side.

Asana: Digestive and cleansing. Knee to chest

For what . Improves digestion and helps rid the system of waste through proper disposal. Where
. in a chair. When
. Before and after a working lunch.
time. 10 minutes.
how. Slowly and gently lift your right leg by flexing the knee. Hold the shin with your hands and press it against the torso. So massaging bodies right internal: bilial gallbladder, liver and right ovary. Do the same with your left leg to stimulate the pancreas, spleen and ovary. Remember to always tighten right side first and then the left. Following this order will improve your digestion and elimination of toxins.

Asana: Circulatory. Heel lifts
why. improves circulation in the legs and feet, flexible tones the calves and ankles. Where
. In any place where you can descalzar.Cuándo. Try this exercise if you wear high heels regularly.
time. 5 minutes.
how. With your feet on the floor, lift both heels and beam strength with the toes. Keep the pressure a few seconds and then rest your heels on the floor. Repeat this movement several times. Then, lifting the entire foot, stretch and relax the fingers strongly, performing these movements rhythmically. Finally, turn both ankles 4 or 5 times on one side and then the other.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Things To Do For Initiation At Rookie Party

THE 5 PILLARS OF YOGA IN NARADEVA Personal Growth, Self-knowledge

1. Adequate food

2. Proper Breathing

3. Proper exercise

4. Adequate rest

5. Positive Thinking

1. Adequate food

"Let your food be your medicine." The same principle has been executed by Hippocratic practitioners of yoga of all time. Feeding on a rational, according to the needs of age, physical exercise, knowing the nutrients the body needs is each of them, as well as providing more convenience, it is essential for the development of good health . These principles are taught and the importance of removing harmful substances from our diet (germs, cancer and other disease-causing substances).

2. Proper Breathing

knowledge of the respiratory mechanism and its relations with the rest of the body (heart rate, return venous return of the balance of the autonomic nervous system, improving the functioning of the digestive system, improves the performance of oxygen throughout the body ...) is sharp, thorough and conclusive. This makes it very simple transmission of the importance of good breathing technique. Students learn its meaning while practicing and appreciate the results.

3. Proper exercise

The locomotor allows us to perform all actions that we want to undertake. However, a too sedentary life, as usually happens in our society, can lead to deterioration of the system. This is true in principle through common painful conditions that can also affect the other systems (cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous system primarily, and secondarily to everyone else).
At the other extreme, an exercise carried out in an excessive manner without self-consciousness or body can also lead to serious health problems (read any treaty of sports medicine).
yoga The proposal in this regard is based on performing the basic exercises of yoga (asanas) that help in a gradual, with very little effort to improve the elasticity and muscle tone and joint flexibility, visceral massage performed synchronously to help decongest and improve the functioning of the internal organs. Thus, the proper exercise helped improve the health status of people of every age and condition.

4. Adequate rest

As important as exercise is rest. In yoga, this principle is transmitted during the session of exercises (asanas), and also through relaxation.
When performing the exercises, there is always restful intervals between them, which helps boost the effects of exercise performed.
It ends with a relaxation that is rest considered optimal because it is a deep sleep throughout the body and mind. The health effects of relaxation are already clearly demonstrated, and their profits are coming and even many hospital patients (mostly suffering from cardiovascular or nervous disorders). Relaxation is even more restorative than sleep (in the same space of time.)

5. Positive thinking

mental hygiene is an issue that has shown great science of yoga. Current medicine is also aware of the large number of disorders that have their genesis in psychological problems. The approach from the point of view of Yoga is that we also feed our thoughts. As the intake of food poisoning can cause us serious imbalances, just as the realization of a repetitive destructive or negative thought can create in us a "mental toxicity" that disrupts our entire body. The proposal from yoga to create a mind that can nurture thoughts that lead to equilibrium is really extensive. Through classes are introduced that allow us to rethink our way of thinking, of ordering our minds and lead us to sanity.
Naradeva Team

How Long Does It Take For A Spleen To Heal

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Prenatal and Parenting Education Natural

Everything about Prenatal and Parenting Education Natural , is in our new blog:

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Along the way we are doing meditation meetings.
The first study in this season was on September 20. 2009.

Many thanks to everyone s who did this event possible, we hope you enjoyed it.

Celebration of International Day of Peace , the day before, to make coincide with a holiday. We will celebrate on September 20, Sunday at 19:00 pm in the pine forest behind the house Simply Sabeco Mall. If the weather is, we would go to the yoga room.

You are all welcome, with family, children, friends ... is beautifully together to pray for peace, the more we will deliver that day more love to our planet and all who dwell in Him

You will need blanket or towel to sit on the floor, and an object that symbolizes Peace to you.

Approximate 1 hour. It is important to arrive 10 minutes earlier.

For any questions call me: 699 60 94 11 - Cristina - Om Shanti

Saturday, June 27, 2009

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Meditations were present with yoga classes in Room IX

were present with yoga classes in

IX Hall of Mothers and Babies

weekend of 22 and 23 November 2008, we were at IFEMA in Room IX Moms & Babies, providing free classes to Pregnant Moms & Babies and Family Yoga.

Click on the link below to see the report issued by "esMADRIDtv" display between minutes 11 and 15.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

White Subtances On Fecal Material

Moms and Babies Breath

breathe is to live. Breathing requires no effort or will, but it is very important to do well. Bad breath who are torn between many difficulties in all areas: health, career, emotions, etc. They are, unfortunately, most, because in fact we all breathe more or less wrong. Many lungs never fully aired.

all vital phenomena are linked to processes of oxidation and reduction: there is no life without oxygen. Our cells depend on blood for their supply of oxygen; if our arteries oxygen-poor blood circulation, the vitality of each of our cells is decreased.

Our duty, strictly speaking, is to assure the supply of oxygen that breathes necesitan.No only bad, but often the quality of air we breathe is more than doubtful. From this comes the lack of resistance to disease, fatigue, rejection of any physical exertion, nervousness and irritability.

The oxygen supply is only one aspect of respiratory function because it also includes the removal of CO2. The cells have no other means of getting rid of the debris produced, throwing them out of the blood. The purification takes place especially in the lungs, in addition, poorly ventilated lung, innumerable germs can grow in warm, damp darkness is favorable to them. Koch's bacillus does not resist the action of oxygen, correct breathing, to ensure full ventilation of the lungs, tuberculosis and immunization against many other respiratory diseases.

If you learn to breathe properly the reward is important, the body becomes strong and healthy, excess fat is gone, the face glows, her eyes sparkle and charm is apparent from the whole personality. The voice also becomes sweet and melodious. The insider in the art of breathing is no longer easy prey for the disease.

digestion becomes easy-we must remember that there is appetite after a long walk outdoors. The whole body is purified and easier to be aware and act appropriately.

is true that a correct respiration acts beneficially on health, but also about thinking and will. You can check when you have to lift a load, as it rises more easily after making a deep breath. In the events that happen in everyday life, relationships with others, positive thinking is also in breathing, as this helps to not lose consciousness and do not fall into the mistake.

Before a conversation, for example, that the discussion does not degenerate into a dispute, or if you are confused, it is beneficial to breathe consciously. If for two or three minutes loop is inspired and deeply the thoughts lighten and fade. We often think that we need help and we look outside ourselves when in reality all the help we have in our interior.La way of breathing and mental states are very closely connected.

Just think regular breathing, deep sleep, the breathing of someone who is very frightened or suspension of the breath of someone who is deeply shocked. Breathing is a good way to be aware of this and one's own body.

The regularity and a leisurely pace and depth of breathing has a calming effect and slows the thinking process, helping to live spiritually. Before our birth, our mother was breathing on us, but since our arrival to the world when the CO2 content in the blood increased, respiratory launched our first and awe-inspiring. The lungs were deployed in the chest: we have our first act autonomously. Since then, the ebb and flow of breathing rhythm to our lives until we make the last breath. From the moment the midwife cut the umbilical cord lungs become the placenta unites human beings with the cosmic mother. If we understand the deep meaning of breathing slowly feel that our own breathing merges with the universal breath.

Conscious breathing brings us untold blessings at all levels of our life. We need to observe its positive effects on our body, feelings and thoughts and also in all our faculties, as conscious breathing is both a realization of spiritual life and help it.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Why Does Skin Turn Green After Shaving

The Meditation can be an effective treatment for insomnia

Publication of 9 June 2009, 18.21 International Writing, 9 jun (EFE) .-

Meditation can be an effective intervention in treating insomnia, according to research presented today at the 23rd Congress annual Association of Professional Sleep Societies in the United States.

patients who practice meditation feel improvements in subjective sleep quality and its total duration, time to fall asleep, or waking the despertar.El director of the insomnia program at Memorial Hospital of Evasnton, Ramadevi Gourineni, indicated that this disorder is believed to be a problem 24 hours a day of "hipealertamiento" episodes high throughout the Day Congress presented a study that analyzes the data of eleven patients, 25 to 45 years, with problems crónico.Durante primary insomnia two months, eleven patients were divided into two groups: one participated in Kriya Yoga (a form of meditation) and the other received education salud.El Gourineni doctor said the results of this study indicate that "teaching deep relaxation techniques during the day can help improve sleep at night."

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Burning Throat And Stomach

Yoga Class for Pregnant Women in TVE "The Morning of the 1" Days of Yoga

Latest News:

On Friday September 4, 2009 English Television recorded the type of Yoga for Pregnant we teach in the Neighborhood Association Montecarmelo to a report of your program "The morning of the 1" to be aired proximamanete .
Many thanks to all who participated in this class.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Ontario Utility Trailer Licence

Naradeva in Alcobendas

Yoga Workshops in Alcobendas

from 13 to 17 October 1909
Naradeva Yoga School Board next to the municipal council organizes sports day 17 October 1


invite all who wish to participate in this event to join the yoga class outdoors, meditation for Peace and mantras that will offer concert Gayatri group, as well as conferences and workshops that will be celebrating throughout the week. It

our intention to try to gather the largest possible number of people practicing yoga and meditation with the idea that the power of Yoga is irradiated transmitting balance and harmony.


The purpose of this initiative is to celebrate the 15 th anniversary of the establishment
of teaching yoga in the Polideportivo Municipal de Alcobendas by
of teachers Txomin Uranga and Ana Bañuelos founders Yoga School Naradeva.

been 15 years of great prosperity and success in their labor.Tanto is your school so that's been more than 2000 students, and they have reached approximately 60 mature enough to train as teachers and professors.

Alcobendas is one of the locations of our country which has the largest number of practitioners of Yoga; amount is increasing, in part, thanks to the efforts made every day Naradeva School.

The high acceptance Yoga has had on our city deserves the organization of an event which serves, firstly, to continue in the
disclosure of this discipline, and secondly, to share and celebrate with all the success for all these years by the yoga community in Alcobendas.


Other disciplines do their celebrations around competitions and tournaments, however, yoga does not have this competitive spirit, but rather
personal growth. Therefore, rather than reward the practitioner for their achievements, seek participation in activities that help you improve as a person and promote unity and team spirit.

All lectures, workshops and activities will be free entry, open participation, especially to all those yoga practitioners not wanting to get closer to this beautiful discipline.


Day 13
20:00 h: Opening of the conference by municipal authority
20:30 pm: Lecture: "The essence of Yoga." Conducted by Luis Luna - Ganesha

Wednesday Day 14

20:00 h: Lecture: "Yoga and psychology. The merger of our time. " Conducted by Miguel A. Gil - Visvha

Thursday Day 15

20:00 pm: Lecture: "Yoga, health and consciousness." Taught by Lola González Chapel - Devi

Day 16

20:00 h: Lecture: "Speaking of life." Taught by Txomin Uranga - Ananta


Day 17 Saturday

10:30 h to 12:00 h:

- Yoga and Health transcendent - Living Yoga -

- Introduction to Psychology Yogic -

hall - Yoga in the family: children from 4 to 6 years accompanied by their parents - Tai chi
12:30 h to 14:00 h:

- Pranayama ( Conscious breathing techniques) - Yoga Room

- Introduction to meditation - Assembly Hall

- Yoga for children: 6 to 12 years - Board of tai chi


17 : 30h a 19:00 h
- Master Yoga class - taught by Txomin Uranga and Ana Bañuelos

- Yogic story workshop for children - Tai chi
19:30 h to 20:30 h
- Meditation Peace


22:00 h - Concert mantras - Gayatri Group

All scheduled activities are free

• CONFERENCE - 13 - 14 - 15 - and 16 - Hall of the Sports Centre Valdelasfuentes - Alcobendas
• WORKSHOPS - Day 17 - Polideportivo Municipal José Caballero - Alcobendas
• MEETING - Day 17 - Polideportivo Municipal José Caballero - Alcobendas MANTRAS
• CONCERT - Day 17 - Polideportivo Municipal José Caballero - Alcobendas
For more information: 629 65 April 1961

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

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Saturn crises and the joy of being ourselves

The picture is from Cassini, taken in the shadow of Saturn.

Bibliography: Saturn, A New Approach to an Old Devil (Liz Greene)

In stories and myths we see the ugly coarse and crude can redeem himself and become the prince in such beauty and the beast, or in the frog is kissed turns into the prince.

in life to see this double face of the same currency is not so easy every time we have a frustration or difficulty not want to kiss, which seems so logical and easy to do in the fairy tale turns out to be very difficult to integrate into life.

So then configure everything in terms of black and white, good or bad moral and amoral.

In astrology the same trend persists, there are some good and bad, beneficial and malefic planets.

A Saturn has been given the connotation of the beast but my intention in this talk is to show the other side.

it would be a story without the villain of the story? narrate as if the hero has to find and fight anyone? Saturn is not only restriction, pain, limitation, also helps us discover the psychic process.

It is called the Guardian of the threshold for passing the threshold can only be free through an understanding of ourselves. Only

free will come through self-discovery, which unfortunately does not happen until things get ugly and there is no other way.

We have all had to Saturn as we live disappointments, delays, anguish, but to the question of do they mean? and how I can take advantage? there are many answers to the board typical patience and self control or "luck" or equally useless: it is a situation of karma. Saturn is very possible to find that our psyche is ask WHY? Parsifal as needed to open awareness and ask the right question to find the holy grail.

Freud left us a legacy showing that part of the psyche called the unconscious, which according to the , there is dump all the contents can not consciously expressed, either by a strong moral or a medium does not allow free expression. Sending vital principles does not mean that there shrink, or does not exist, contrary to have a greater strength and act where we have no control or power, appear as accidents, enemies, delays, sabotage.

there on the threshold of conscious and unconscious Saturn, helping us to preserve what we consider ourselves more and excluding what we consider harmful to hate and self-expression.

But if we only identify with one hand, start to feel victims of fate or the other and feel an utter helplessness in life. You can only find freedom by learning more about himself and understanding the influence of an experience from the whole self and nothing like the frustration, Saturn tool to help man to such integration.

mechanisms of action of Saturn is almost always the third, bacteria, viruses, diseases, neighbors, brothers, family, the couple, the enemy or as bad luck, or delays favorite: The loneliness.

Look to the Saturn himself is a new equilibrium or a wider perspective.

the true suffering arises when ideas aware of what is right and appropriate conflict with the one unconsciously chosen.

often is the person with the saboteur in his active life, destroying what conscious mind wants to do. Often behind the fear and guilt lies a wise and meaningful goals that chosen by the conscious. unfortunately only see the destruction.

is not easy to make friends with Saturn, the ancient alchemy shows a route to this. modern psychology also is the path parallel to the old alchemy.

invite you to read to their position of Saturn some thoughts:

Saturn in Aries or at home 1 I
Saturn in Taurus or the house 2 II
Saturn in Gemini or home 3 III
Saturn in Cancer or in house 4 IV Imum Coeli
Saturn in Leo or 5 V
House Saturn in Virgo or at home 6 VI
Saturn in Libra or home 7 VII Descending
Scorpio and Saturn in 8 th house Saturn
VII in Sagittarius or the house 9
Saturn in Capricorn or at home 10 X MC
Midheaven Saturn in Aquarius or in the house 11 XI
Saturn in Pisces or in house 12 XII

PowerPoint presentation

Deferred conference:

Monday, May 25, 2009

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Prenatal Yoga Private Sessions Prenatal Education and

Special Sessions of

Prenatal Yoga and Prenatal Education

The conception, pregnancy, childbirth and parenting are times of great intensity and transformation. If you are carrying a miracle and you're on a wonderful stage of life. In my experience with breast highlight what most of them the work of yoga and prenatal education is gaining confidence in the wisdom of his body and his Scent of a Woman.

INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS: In these sessions you will learn yoga postures for pregnant you can do at home every day to help you sleep better, do better digestion, improve blood circulation, postural health of the spine, strengthen the pelvic floor .. ; breaths to help calm down and breath of effort, meditations that give you strength and confidence, displays that create a strong bond with your baby. Workers confidence and self esteem (your body now is changing at a rapid pace), recognition and processing of fear, relaxation techniques, communication with the baby for example: Display Childbirth.
talk about the importance feeding, breastfeeding, postpartum, the role of the father ... The great day, shattering our fears of delivery day to help you open yourself to a happy and natural childbirth, working the abandonment and trust and Si in Life and how to receive our baby. . At every meeting you have to bring comfortable clothes and a tape recorder and then you can practice at home the exercises, listen to relaxation, visualizations ... The display is done according to gestational age, this is not possible in the group. Tutorial: prenatal yoga and prenatal education. Session 1 hour and a half.

If students in the yoga group was taught Pregnancy Education session Prenatal, prenatal massage and yoga, as you choose.

For more detail,

Call me or email me.

Cristina-91 750 97 79-699 60 94 11

Sunday, May 17, 2009

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When children "no follow" Yoga sessions NARADEVA

When children "no follow" Yoga sessions There

Sometimes it seems that children do not follow the family yoga sessions.
Of course, this is a statement made from what we understand by following a meeting. And, as we have noticed on numerous occasions, which is supposed to be ... is not.

few days ago two mothers attended class with two girls, one of two years and another of three. Small showed a tremendous need for space exploration and affirmation in their decisions. In other words, adults performed the majority of the proposals and they were running around us and gave themselves to develop their ability to say "this is not what I do now." Whether this was a success or frustration depends solely on our point of view.

If our objective was that the girls met the proposals were made, had failed.

But that is far from our goal ...

Something that mothers appreciated in the moment that happened, was that they were able to relax completely delivered a few minutes while the children played quietly in the courtroom. This shows a high degree of confidence in both mothers and their daughters, a grand opening by allowing something to happen that had not happened or that happened very rarely. The girls felt that their mothers were present but did not have his eyes on them. Being present is a success, feel the presence of another well.
There were moments of play and abetting and was no opportunity for dialogue between mother and daughter. From trying to convince the daughter to participate, to accept that the time required another attitude and finally get to enjoy the entire session. To listen, be understanding and enjoying the moment is a success.

But yoga session did not end where we thought it was over - an hour after launch. Anna wrote me that Hela had reproduced the yoga session at home in a spontaneous and special. The Little took the role of teacher and asked her mother to make a doll all she had done in class: show timid, refusing to do the exercises and run around his mother. While Anna was playing with the doll all these attitudes, Hela - who had apparently been distracted during the session, reproduced in its role as a teacher, all the exercises that had been proposed in class while laughing out loud what he was doing the doll and asked to repeat the game over and over again. Hela

has done a wonderful awareness process: it was located where the observer using a doll as an object of observation. Attributing the characteristics that she is hindering the way at this time (shyness, saying no ...), has been looking at and understood. Perfectly detected that shyness is part of his ego and is able to distance themselves from him. As adults we often need several techniques and years of meditation to realize this and start living being aware of it.

I've never had any doubt that children are able to detect and take advantage of every opportunity to offer them to grow and heal. That is our goal to offer and give us a chance. Whatever we do with them - yoga, cooking, dancing, reading, walking ... - do it with consciousness, the fullness that comes to witness its grandeur is worth it.

Author: Tere Puig

Friday, May 15, 2009

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Video documentary "Gods of Greek Mythology"

Each god of Greek mythology can be represented in the personal astral map, for example Zeuz represents Jupiter, Mars Mars, Venus Venus, the sun Apollo, Cronus Saturn, Hermes Mercury Hades Pluto, Neptune, Poseidon.

Then the story of each god, the archetypal story shows us that we all have within us.

For example, Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty, so if we look at where in our birth chart is located venus we know how to treat the goddess Aphrodite or Love and Beauty in our lives.

To get an idea of \u200b\u200bwho was each Gods of Olympus, and likewise know every one of the vital principles that all humans have as active in our lives, I invite you to see this documentary.

History Channel made two very good programs where experts sums of Greek mythology.

As Youtube only allows videos of maximum 10 minutes, found the first part of the film divided into 5 videito of 10 minutes:





Wednesday, April 22, 2009

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Conference: Sun. Symbol of the hero who breaks the family curse myths and

Lecture on April 20, 2009 Internet, attended by over 250 people from around the world. Although it was the first time using this technology we did well.

The topic was: "The sun. Command hero who breaks the family curse," is a talk of astrology, where we boarded mythological theme of the sun and as contacts in our life helps us to leave ancestral cycles suffering. Verlade

To play in this video:

DOWN COMPUTER CONFERENCE FORMAT AND IPOD (With the right mouse button, click on "Save target as" top down conference)

The memoirs of the finds in this Blog Articles:

THE SUN. The Greek god Apollo (original name, the sun god Apollon),

The sun, breaking family curses symbol

The PowerPoint presentation is:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bangbros How Much Investment

mythology tells stories that are emotional and mental parameters of being human.

Each god, hero, victim and rescuer are active in us, as a mold in our emotions, thoughts and actions.

When we see them active in our lives we realize that the continuing problems existed long before we were born and as such there is also a solution and learning implicit in the myth.

This blog is an invitation to find out how the myths and stories are active in us, read between the lines the mysteries of life and well expressed in our daily routines sublime truths. Welcome

Sunday, April 19, 2009

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recognize the shadow self and give the place it deserves in our lives

Shadow vital principles are those we do not want them in our lives because we seem unethical, or feel unworthy or threatening to security.

But they are living archetypes that need expression, if not come take them into account in the form of compulsion or disease. This video

shown in poetic form (by Ruben Dario, the Nicaraguan poet) and Asis Frasncisco taught the villagers to deal with his shadow wolf, an active and dynamic and would not be assumed to be desvocó attack from the dark compulsively.

The full story of the wolf and Francisco de Asis, the video below.

In the time that San Francisco was dwelling in the city of Gubbio, the region appeared in a huge lion, terrible and ferocious, who devoured not only animals but also to men; to the point that had terrorized the inhabitants, because many times he approached the city. All were armed when they left the city, like the war, and yet, who ran into him while he just could not defend themselves. Such was the terror, no one ventured out of the city.

San Francisco, moved to compassion for the people of the village, wanted to go out to face the wolf, disregarding the advice of people who wanted to dissuade him at all costs. And, making the sign of the cross, went out of town with his companions, in God his trust. As fellow hesitated to go ahead, San Francisco walked resolutely to the place where the wolf. When I here that, in view of many residents, who had followed in large numbers to see this miracle, the wolf went forward to meet San Francisco with his mouth open, approaching him, San Francisco made the sign of Cross, called himself and said:

- Come here, Brother Wolf! I command you, on behalf of Christ, not hurt me or anyone.

admirable thing! Just drew the cross San Francisco, the terrible wolf closed his mouth, stopped running and, obeying the order, went meekly as a lamb, and fell at the feet of San Francisco. So San Francisco spoke in these terms:

- Brother Wolf, you're hurting in this region, has caused very great evils mistreating and killing God's creatures without your permission, and you are not satisfied with killing and devouring beasts but you had the audacity to give death and cause harm to men, made in the image of God. Therefore you deserve the gallows as a thief and murderer. Everyone shouts and murmurs against you and the entire city is your enemy. But I wish, Brother Wolf, to make peace between you and them, so you do not offend them on, and they will forgive all past offenses, and stop chasing men and dogs.

At these words, the wolf, with the movement of the body, tail and ears and head down, accept and love expressed to fulfill what he said San Francisco. Then said San Francisco:

- Brother Wolf, since you are willing to make and maintain this peace, I promise to make people the city will continuously provide you need while you live, so do not spend longer hungry, because I know very well that hunger has done wrong you've done. But once you have gotten me this favor, I wish, Brother Wolf, you promise me you will not do damage and no man in the world and no animal. Do you promise?

The wolf, bowing his head, clearly hinted that it promised. San Francisco said

- Brother Wolf, I want to give me faith in this promise, that I can trust you fully. San Francisco

spread it on hand to receive the faith, and the wolf lifted his front leg and placed it gently on the hand San Francisco, giving the sign of faith he asked. Then he told San Francisco:

- Brother wolf, I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come with me without fear now, we will conclude this peace in God's name.

The wolf obeyed, went with him as a gentle lamb, amid the astonishment of the inhabitants. The news spread quickly throughout the city, and everyone, young and old, men and women, young and old, were coming to the plaza to see the wolf in San Francisco. When the people had gathered, San Francisco stood up and preached, saying, among other things, how God permits such calamities because of sins, and is much more to fear the fires of hell, which is to last forever for those convicted, not the ferocity of a wolf, that can only kill the body, and if the mouth of a small animal inspires both fear and terror to many people, much more to be feared is not the mouth of hell.

- Turn, then, to God, dear, and do penance for your sins, and God will deliver you from the wolf to the present and the fire of hell in the future.

After the sermon, said San Francisco:

- Listen, my brethren: Brother Wolf, who is here before you, I was promised and given their faith to make peace with you and not harm you forward in anything if you are committed to giving you every day what you need. I go guarantor for him to faithfully fulfill its part of the peace agreement.

Then all the people with one voice, promised to feed continuously. And San Francisco said the wolf before them all

- And you, Brother Wolf, do you promise to fulfill to them the peace agreement, ie, not to do harm either to men or animals, or any creature? The wolf knelt and bowed his head, saying with gentle gestures of the body, tail and ears, as he could, his willingness to comply with all terms of the agreement.

added San Francisco:

- Brother Wolf, I want you and you gave me faith in this promise outside the gates of the city, give me faith back now before all the people that I'll be cheated on the word that I have on your behalf. Then, the wolf, raising his right paw, put it in the hands of San Francisco. This act and others who have spoken so much admiration and joy were all the people and the devotion of the Holy as the novelty of the miracle and for peace with the wolf, that all began to cry out to heaven, praising God for having sent to San Francisco, which, on its merits, had escaped from the mouth of the beast.

The wolf continued to live two years at Gubbio; went meekly in the houses door to door, without causing harm to anyone and without receiving none. People fed him politely, and while going after the city and in every house, the dogs never barked. Finally, after two years, the wolf died of old brother, the people felt it much since, seeing him so gentle walk around the city, they brought to mind the virtue and the sanctity of San Francisco.