Sunday, April 19, 2009

Action Replay On Desmume Mac

recognize the shadow self and give the place it deserves in our lives

Shadow vital principles are those we do not want them in our lives because we seem unethical, or feel unworthy or threatening to security.

But they are living archetypes that need expression, if not come take them into account in the form of compulsion or disease. This video

shown in poetic form (by Ruben Dario, the Nicaraguan poet) and Asis Frasncisco taught the villagers to deal with his shadow wolf, an active and dynamic and would not be assumed to be desvocó attack from the dark compulsively.

The full story of the wolf and Francisco de Asis, the video below.

In the time that San Francisco was dwelling in the city of Gubbio, the region appeared in a huge lion, terrible and ferocious, who devoured not only animals but also to men; to the point that had terrorized the inhabitants, because many times he approached the city. All were armed when they left the city, like the war, and yet, who ran into him while he just could not defend themselves. Such was the terror, no one ventured out of the city.

San Francisco, moved to compassion for the people of the village, wanted to go out to face the wolf, disregarding the advice of people who wanted to dissuade him at all costs. And, making the sign of the cross, went out of town with his companions, in God his trust. As fellow hesitated to go ahead, San Francisco walked resolutely to the place where the wolf. When I here that, in view of many residents, who had followed in large numbers to see this miracle, the wolf went forward to meet San Francisco with his mouth open, approaching him, San Francisco made the sign of Cross, called himself and said:

- Come here, Brother Wolf! I command you, on behalf of Christ, not hurt me or anyone.

admirable thing! Just drew the cross San Francisco, the terrible wolf closed his mouth, stopped running and, obeying the order, went meekly as a lamb, and fell at the feet of San Francisco. So San Francisco spoke in these terms:

- Brother Wolf, you're hurting in this region, has caused very great evils mistreating and killing God's creatures without your permission, and you are not satisfied with killing and devouring beasts but you had the audacity to give death and cause harm to men, made in the image of God. Therefore you deserve the gallows as a thief and murderer. Everyone shouts and murmurs against you and the entire city is your enemy. But I wish, Brother Wolf, to make peace between you and them, so you do not offend them on, and they will forgive all past offenses, and stop chasing men and dogs.

At these words, the wolf, with the movement of the body, tail and ears and head down, accept and love expressed to fulfill what he said San Francisco. Then said San Francisco:

- Brother Wolf, since you are willing to make and maintain this peace, I promise to make people the city will continuously provide you need while you live, so do not spend longer hungry, because I know very well that hunger has done wrong you've done. But once you have gotten me this favor, I wish, Brother Wolf, you promise me you will not do damage and no man in the world and no animal. Do you promise?

The wolf, bowing his head, clearly hinted that it promised. San Francisco said

- Brother Wolf, I want to give me faith in this promise, that I can trust you fully. San Francisco

spread it on hand to receive the faith, and the wolf lifted his front leg and placed it gently on the hand San Francisco, giving the sign of faith he asked. Then he told San Francisco:

- Brother wolf, I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come with me without fear now, we will conclude this peace in God's name.

The wolf obeyed, went with him as a gentle lamb, amid the astonishment of the inhabitants. The news spread quickly throughout the city, and everyone, young and old, men and women, young and old, were coming to the plaza to see the wolf in San Francisco. When the people had gathered, San Francisco stood up and preached, saying, among other things, how God permits such calamities because of sins, and is much more to fear the fires of hell, which is to last forever for those convicted, not the ferocity of a wolf, that can only kill the body, and if the mouth of a small animal inspires both fear and terror to many people, much more to be feared is not the mouth of hell.

- Turn, then, to God, dear, and do penance for your sins, and God will deliver you from the wolf to the present and the fire of hell in the future.

After the sermon, said San Francisco:

- Listen, my brethren: Brother Wolf, who is here before you, I was promised and given their faith to make peace with you and not harm you forward in anything if you are committed to giving you every day what you need. I go guarantor for him to faithfully fulfill its part of the peace agreement.

Then all the people with one voice, promised to feed continuously. And San Francisco said the wolf before them all

- And you, Brother Wolf, do you promise to fulfill to them the peace agreement, ie, not to do harm either to men or animals, or any creature? The wolf knelt and bowed his head, saying with gentle gestures of the body, tail and ears, as he could, his willingness to comply with all terms of the agreement.

added San Francisco:

- Brother Wolf, I want you and you gave me faith in this promise outside the gates of the city, give me faith back now before all the people that I'll be cheated on the word that I have on your behalf. Then, the wolf, raising his right paw, put it in the hands of San Francisco. This act and others who have spoken so much admiration and joy were all the people and the devotion of the Holy as the novelty of the miracle and for peace with the wolf, that all began to cry out to heaven, praising God for having sent to San Francisco, which, on its merits, had escaped from the mouth of the beast.

The wolf continued to live two years at Gubbio; went meekly in the houses door to door, without causing harm to anyone and without receiving none. People fed him politely, and while going after the city and in every house, the dogs never barked. Finally, after two years, the wolf died of old brother, the people felt it much since, seeing him so gentle walk around the city, they brought to mind the virtue and the sanctity of San Francisco.


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