Sunday, June 21, 2009

Why Does Skin Turn Green After Shaving

The Meditation can be an effective treatment for insomnia

Publication of 9 June 2009, 18.21 International Writing, 9 jun (EFE) .-

Meditation can be an effective intervention in treating insomnia, according to research presented today at the 23rd Congress annual Association of Professional Sleep Societies in the United States.

patients who practice meditation feel improvements in subjective sleep quality and its total duration, time to fall asleep, or waking the despertar.El director of the insomnia program at Memorial Hospital of Evasnton, Ramadevi Gourineni, indicated that this disorder is believed to be a problem 24 hours a day of "hipealertamiento" episodes high throughout the Day Congress presented a study that analyzes the data of eleven patients, 25 to 45 years, with problems crónico.Durante primary insomnia two months, eleven patients were divided into two groups: one participated in Kriya Yoga (a form of meditation) and the other received education salud.El Gourineni doctor said the results of this study indicate that "teaching deep relaxation techniques during the day can help improve sleep at night."


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