Sunday, June 28, 2009

Things To Do For Initiation At Rookie Party

THE 5 PILLARS OF YOGA IN NARADEVA Personal Growth, Self-knowledge

1. Adequate food

2. Proper Breathing

3. Proper exercise

4. Adequate rest

5. Positive Thinking

1. Adequate food

"Let your food be your medicine." The same principle has been executed by Hippocratic practitioners of yoga of all time. Feeding on a rational, according to the needs of age, physical exercise, knowing the nutrients the body needs is each of them, as well as providing more convenience, it is essential for the development of good health . These principles are taught and the importance of removing harmful substances from our diet (germs, cancer and other disease-causing substances).

2. Proper Breathing

knowledge of the respiratory mechanism and its relations with the rest of the body (heart rate, return venous return of the balance of the autonomic nervous system, improving the functioning of the digestive system, improves the performance of oxygen throughout the body ...) is sharp, thorough and conclusive. This makes it very simple transmission of the importance of good breathing technique. Students learn its meaning while practicing and appreciate the results.

3. Proper exercise

The locomotor allows us to perform all actions that we want to undertake. However, a too sedentary life, as usually happens in our society, can lead to deterioration of the system. This is true in principle through common painful conditions that can also affect the other systems (cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous system primarily, and secondarily to everyone else).
At the other extreme, an exercise carried out in an excessive manner without self-consciousness or body can also lead to serious health problems (read any treaty of sports medicine).
yoga The proposal in this regard is based on performing the basic exercises of yoga (asanas) that help in a gradual, with very little effort to improve the elasticity and muscle tone and joint flexibility, visceral massage performed synchronously to help decongest and improve the functioning of the internal organs. Thus, the proper exercise helped improve the health status of people of every age and condition.

4. Adequate rest

As important as exercise is rest. In yoga, this principle is transmitted during the session of exercises (asanas), and also through relaxation.
When performing the exercises, there is always restful intervals between them, which helps boost the effects of exercise performed.
It ends with a relaxation that is rest considered optimal because it is a deep sleep throughout the body and mind. The health effects of relaxation are already clearly demonstrated, and their profits are coming and even many hospital patients (mostly suffering from cardiovascular or nervous disorders). Relaxation is even more restorative than sleep (in the same space of time.)

5. Positive thinking

mental hygiene is an issue that has shown great science of yoga. Current medicine is also aware of the large number of disorders that have their genesis in psychological problems. The approach from the point of view of Yoga is that we also feed our thoughts. As the intake of food poisoning can cause us serious imbalances, just as the realization of a repetitive destructive or negative thought can create in us a "mental toxicity" that disrupts our entire body. The proposal from yoga to create a mind that can nurture thoughts that lead to equilibrium is really extensive. Through classes are introduced that allow us to rethink our way of thinking, of ordering our minds and lead us to sanity.
Naradeva Team


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