Thursday, June 25, 2009

White Subtances On Fecal Material

Moms and Babies Breath

breathe is to live. Breathing requires no effort or will, but it is very important to do well. Bad breath who are torn between many difficulties in all areas: health, career, emotions, etc. They are, unfortunately, most, because in fact we all breathe more or less wrong. Many lungs never fully aired.

all vital phenomena are linked to processes of oxidation and reduction: there is no life without oxygen. Our cells depend on blood for their supply of oxygen; if our arteries oxygen-poor blood circulation, the vitality of each of our cells is decreased.

Our duty, strictly speaking, is to assure the supply of oxygen that breathes necesitan.No only bad, but often the quality of air we breathe is more than doubtful. From this comes the lack of resistance to disease, fatigue, rejection of any physical exertion, nervousness and irritability.

The oxygen supply is only one aspect of respiratory function because it also includes the removal of CO2. The cells have no other means of getting rid of the debris produced, throwing them out of the blood. The purification takes place especially in the lungs, in addition, poorly ventilated lung, innumerable germs can grow in warm, damp darkness is favorable to them. Koch's bacillus does not resist the action of oxygen, correct breathing, to ensure full ventilation of the lungs, tuberculosis and immunization against many other respiratory diseases.

If you learn to breathe properly the reward is important, the body becomes strong and healthy, excess fat is gone, the face glows, her eyes sparkle and charm is apparent from the whole personality. The voice also becomes sweet and melodious. The insider in the art of breathing is no longer easy prey for the disease.

digestion becomes easy-we must remember that there is appetite after a long walk outdoors. The whole body is purified and easier to be aware and act appropriately.

is true that a correct respiration acts beneficially on health, but also about thinking and will. You can check when you have to lift a load, as it rises more easily after making a deep breath. In the events that happen in everyday life, relationships with others, positive thinking is also in breathing, as this helps to not lose consciousness and do not fall into the mistake.

Before a conversation, for example, that the discussion does not degenerate into a dispute, or if you are confused, it is beneficial to breathe consciously. If for two or three minutes loop is inspired and deeply the thoughts lighten and fade. We often think that we need help and we look outside ourselves when in reality all the help we have in our interior.La way of breathing and mental states are very closely connected.

Just think regular breathing, deep sleep, the breathing of someone who is very frightened or suspension of the breath of someone who is deeply shocked. Breathing is a good way to be aware of this and one's own body.

The regularity and a leisurely pace and depth of breathing has a calming effect and slows the thinking process, helping to live spiritually. Before our birth, our mother was breathing on us, but since our arrival to the world when the CO2 content in the blood increased, respiratory launched our first and awe-inspiring. The lungs were deployed in the chest: we have our first act autonomously. Since then, the ebb and flow of breathing rhythm to our lives until we make the last breath. From the moment the midwife cut the umbilical cord lungs become the placenta unites human beings with the cosmic mother. If we understand the deep meaning of breathing slowly feel that our own breathing merges with the universal breath.

Conscious breathing brings us untold blessings at all levels of our life. We need to observe its positive effects on our body, feelings and thoughts and also in all our faculties, as conscious breathing is both a realization of spiritual life and help it.


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