Tuesday, June 30, 2009

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Yoga for children: What is the YOGA for KIDS and why practice?

What is YOGA for KIDS and why practice?

Yoga is an ancient science that helps create health and wellness building awareness, strength and flexibility in the mind and the body. Yoga is a practice that confers equal benefits to all who practice it, regardless of their physical abilities. Yoga postures, or asanas, are practiced by people of all ages and in many different states of health and fitness.

Its practitioners have long attested to the benefits of yoga, including stress relief and pain, improving circulation and digestion, better body alignment, improved concentration, breathing deeper and more relaxed , and a feeling of wellbeing and inner peace. The question is: Does the Yoga also those advantages also in children?. The answer is Yes, and much more!

Yoga is a fun way for children to develop important skills in a positive environment, not competitive. Even at a young age, children often feel the pressure at school, both socially and academically, as well as the pressure in organized competitive sports. It is easy for children to become extremely self-critical and lose confidence in themselves when they change and grow. Yoga is a great remedy, not form opinions in a yoga class on how the child makes a stand or make a game. Make a stand "perfectly" is not a goal of Yoga, which nurtures inner strength and self-acceptance of the child.

This atmosphere favorable for the development encourages children to relax and have fun while developing not only the strength, coordination, flexibility and balance, also body awareness, better focus, concentration and self confidence. In fact, a 2003 study conducted by the University of California found that children attending a school in Los Angeles who often had yoga classes, saw a significant increase in their self-esteem, as well as in general fitness, academic performance and to give a decrease discipline problems because students were more relaxed and more in keeping with their peers. In

Yoga classes for children, a body balance spontaneity and structure, so that children learn to listen to each other while learning to express themselves creatively. We believe that children learn best when having fun, so in Yoga classes for children, are mixed stories, songs, games and positions, allowing children to learn in a multi-sensory learning research kinesthetic, visual, aural, and inter intra personal. This makes Yoga classes for children are much more active than yoga for adults, and do a lot more fun!.

In Yoga class, it also encourages children to respect and be attentive to their bodies, ensuring that each position is nice and moving in and out of positions when they feel ready (something what many adults have difficulty). As children grow and their bodies change rapidly this becomes an important skill.

Apart from the immense physical and mental benefits, a central tenet of the practice of Yoga, is the respect and honor for ourselves, for others and for our environment.

In a yoga class, children often make magical trip around the world, learning about many cultures in their course. And like many yoga postures are of animals, children also learn about different animal habitats, endangered species and can often share their knowledge about a favorite animal.

Children have an innate affinity with the natural world and animals in particular. Understand the land and still enjoy learning about it and when they can take care of her and her inhabitants, both human and animal and plants.

Yoga is a holistic practice, with a focus both inside and out, and most importantly

Yoga classes for children up to 9 years, every Thursday from 17:30 h to 18:15 h in the Neighborhood Association of Valverde Avda.Santuario Montecarmelo No 50

Come and have fun, come try a free class.!

Information and reservations: 917509779. 699609411, 606034339 yogamontecarmelo@yahoo.es


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