Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Gay Cruisy Spots On Long Island

Saturn crises and the joy of being ourselves

The picture is from Cassini, taken in the shadow of Saturn.

Bibliography: Saturn, A New Approach to an Old Devil (Liz Greene)

In stories and myths we see the ugly coarse and crude can redeem himself and become the prince in such beauty and the beast, or in the frog is kissed turns into the prince.

in life to see this double face of the same currency is not so easy every time we have a frustration or difficulty not want to kiss, which seems so logical and easy to do in the fairy tale turns out to be very difficult to integrate into life.

So then configure everything in terms of black and white, good or bad moral and amoral.

In astrology the same trend persists, there are some good and bad, beneficial and malefic planets.

A Saturn has been given the connotation of the beast but my intention in this talk is to show the other side.

it would be a story without the villain of the story? narrate as if the hero has to find and fight anyone? Saturn is not only restriction, pain, limitation, also helps us discover the psychic process.

It is called the Guardian of the threshold for passing the threshold can only be free through an understanding of ourselves. Only

free will come through self-discovery, which unfortunately does not happen until things get ugly and there is no other way.

We have all had to Saturn as we live disappointments, delays, anguish, but to the question of do they mean? and how I can take advantage? there are many answers to the board typical patience and self control or "luck" or equally useless: it is a situation of karma. Saturn is very possible to find that our psyche is ask WHY? Parsifal as needed to open awareness and ask the right question to find the holy grail.

Freud left us a legacy showing that part of the psyche called the unconscious, which according to the , there is dump all the contents can not consciously expressed, either by a strong moral or a medium does not allow free expression. Sending vital principles does not mean that there shrink, or does not exist, contrary to have a greater strength and act where we have no control or power, appear as accidents, enemies, delays, sabotage.

there on the threshold of conscious and unconscious Saturn, helping us to preserve what we consider ourselves more and excluding what we consider harmful to hate and self-expression.

But if we only identify with one hand, start to feel victims of fate or the other and feel an utter helplessness in life. You can only find freedom by learning more about himself and understanding the influence of an experience from the whole self and nothing like the frustration, Saturn tool to help man to such integration.

mechanisms of action of Saturn is almost always the third, bacteria, viruses, diseases, neighbors, brothers, family, the couple, the enemy or as bad luck, or delays favorite: The loneliness.

Look to the Saturn himself is a new equilibrium or a wider perspective.

the true suffering arises when ideas aware of what is right and appropriate conflict with the one unconsciously chosen.

often is the person with the saboteur in his active life, destroying what conscious mind wants to do. Often behind the fear and guilt lies a wise and meaningful goals that chosen by the conscious. unfortunately only see the destruction.

is not easy to make friends with Saturn, the ancient alchemy shows a route to this. modern psychology also is the path parallel to the old alchemy.

invite you to read to their position of Saturn some thoughts:

Saturn in Aries or at home 1 I
Saturn in Taurus or the house 2 II
Saturn in Gemini or home 3 III
Saturn in Cancer or in house 4 IV Imum Coeli
Saturn in Leo or 5 V
House Saturn in Virgo or at home 6 VI
Saturn in Libra or home 7 VII Descending
Scorpio and Saturn in 8 th house Saturn
VII in Sagittarius or the house 9
Saturn in Capricorn or at home 10 X MC
Midheaven Saturn in Aquarius or in the house 11 XI
Saturn in Pisces or in house 12 XII

PowerPoint presentation

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