Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Printer In Room Unhealthy

The Family Yoga is a fun activity that integrates learning through experience and the ancient techniques offered by yoga.
Share a yoga session with children and enjoy it requires that we know and accept that we all learn by imitation, that children maintain the ability to capture and integrate information and experiences while still in motion and the idea of \u200b\u200brelaxation involves immobility is learned and not n real EQUIRED . We all learn by imitation.
Boris Cyrulnik, recounts in his book "Body and Soul" an experiment with chimpanzees: measuring the brain responses of a group of chimpanzees to perform certain movements realized that these were the same in another group of chimpanzees I was just watching. This corroborates our learning by imitation. Adults are responsible for esc Oger environments in which they develop smaller, why the environment is influencing their occurrence a neural connections and not others, the environment is determining what the child learns.
Decide if we spend our free time in a mall or walking in a natural setting amid a group of people in a tense or relaxed, is important, have different effects on the child and adult! .
children retain the ability to capture and integrate information and experiences while still in CAPTURE ent. The years of "education" we have received have created certain habits that we now understand as inherent to being human. We have forgotten that we were different before integrating all experiences we have lived. Watching the little ones helps us remember what we were recognizing some really valuable skills: ability to enjoy spontaneity, freedom of expression and creation, ... .
All this means that the child is quite capable of learning to be in full swing. Indeed, his whole body needs to involve learning to make this effective and real. The child is not seen as a set of parts: head, hands, thoughts, ... but has an overall perception of itself and thus not necessary to listen to keep still.
For example, the child is not convinced that listening only with ears ... perceived why the vibration through your skin and feels different depending on how close or distant, depending on your position ... No wonder that, faced with a voice, try to get the most from this experience with her body ofrece.La idea of \u200b\u200brelaxation involves immobility is learned and not necessarily real. In the whole body is movement: the heartbeat, breathing, bowel movements, the fluids that run through us ... . The same is true in the area of \u200b\u200bthought, an idea occurs to another continuously.
If we force the body to remain motionless against their needs are likely to experience many considerably from sensations of relaxation. It is true that physical immobility (skeletal muscle) helps to calm the mind while remaining attentive to their business, but we must remember that this immobility is learned through years of practice and that, once built, it is likely that no longer necessary to maintain the serenity for which it was developed.
a child is very anxious than a child in motion. Therefore, the fact that a child is still not synonymous with that is relaxed and vice versa. What it usually happens is that compared to an adult child moving is nervous ... but that is an issue that it is not the child to adult.
Relax in the movement is one of the wonderful things that children can help us remember. Class


First group: infants aged 0 to12 months.
One Sunday a month from 11.00 24:00

Second Group: children 2 to 5 years.
One Sunday a month 1:15 p.m. of 12.15ha


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