Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bible Words For Housewarming Invitation

Family Yoga Asanas tables recommended

-during pregnancy-

Asanas: Neck

Benefits: Relieves tension in the neck and shoulders. It's relaxing.

Period: Anytime.

Description: Begin standing or sitting. Inhale. When you exhale, bring your chin to your chest. Inhale and bring head back up the middle. Exhale, and bring your right ear towards right shoulder. Hold this position for approximately 15 seconds, breathing during this time. Inhale and slowly raise your head back downtown. Exhale slowly and repeat movement with left ear and left shoulder.
Reps: Three times on each side.

Asana: Shoulder

Benefits: Open the chest and upper back, relieves tension in shoulders and upper back. It's relaxing.
Period: Anytime.
Description: Begin standing or sitting. Place the fingertips of each hand on respective shoulder, thumb towards back. When you inhale, bring elbows forward and lift toward the ceiling. Exhale and bring elbows back behind you and down. As elbows come forward, feel your back opening. As elbows come back, feel the opening of your chest. Make three backward circles. Repeat three times in a forward motion
Repetitions: Three circles in each direction.

Asana: Cat and Cow

Benefits: Expands and strengthens abdominal muscles. Ideal for relieving pain in the lower back. Relaxing and energizing.
Runtime: In the morning, afternoon or early evening.
Description: on floor in four points. This is a great position because the baby is no longer resting against the nerves in your back. Bring hands forward so that your palms touch the floor, and raise your buttocks and back so you form a tabletop, with your hands under your shoulder and knees below hips. Inhale. Exhale and bring tailbone slightly back, bringing energy through your spine. Your back should be very slightly curved. Let your head hang down, looking at your knees. Inhale, bringing tailbone slightly forward as you lengthen your spine and lift head towards ceiling. Exhale and repeat.
Repetitions: Three times .

Asana: The child's position

Benefits: Expands chest and opens up lower back. It's relaxing.
Period: Anytime. Description: Go onto floor on all fours, open up the knees, keep the fingers of your feet together, heels separated. Take the buttocks to your heels. Low on their forearms. Bring forehead to the floor. As your belly grows, you can put a pillow under your forehead. Breathe and relax. Stay in this position as long as you're comfortable, concentrating on slow, rhythmic breathing. Take your hands up to chest and inhale into sitting position.
Repetitions: Once .

-Yoga Express:
Do it in house or work-

Anytime, anywhere, do a simple yoga asana can relieve your body and mind, a few minutes to relax, recover energy, improve circulation and even favor digestión.EstimulanteEsta Yoga dose of stimulant, is also a general warming of the body, making it ideal to start your yoga session or to start the day.

Asana: Sun Salutation

why. Basic flow of postures Yoga Bound for a global warming of the body.
Where I can do. In a chair in the office or at home. When
. Before starting the work day, during a break mid-morning or mid tarde.Tiempo. About 6 minutes.
how. Sit on the edge of the chair, the thigh support. While portions of your body weight on both feet, in line with hips. Inhale deeply, board expires and the palms of the hands in the middle of the chest. Inhale and slowly raise your hands above your head stretching both sides. Exhale and bend forward from hips, back straight, until your upper body to rest on her lap. Let your arms relax to the ground with their hands out of the legs, feet together. If you can, try playing with the palm of his right hand the ground and left arm raised to the ceiling, keep your eyes left arm. Go back down the arm. Inhale and stretch both arms forward as you raise your back round to the top. Exhale and lower your hands back in front of the chest. Repeat the same sequence and turns down his left arm toward the ceiling. You can do this cycle a few times.

Asana: Energizing. Warrior position
why. improves concentration and provides energy physical and mental. Strengthens the back and legs, tones the arms and ankles, increases your flexibility and balance. In addition, harden thighs and buttocks. Where
. Best in a place where you do not see anyone. When
. Before an important meeting.
time. 10 minutes.
how. Stand with legs wide apart, find an imaginary line in the match the heels, turn your right foot to the side and leave the other front. 90 gados knee flexed to match the ankle. Keep your torso straight, tighten your abs, raise your arms to shoulder height and look at the fingertips right hand. Breathe normally. Then repeat the same sequence on the other side.

Asana: Digestive and cleansing. Knee to chest

For what . Improves digestion and helps rid the system of waste through proper disposal. Where
. in a chair. When
. Before and after a working lunch.
time. 10 minutes.
how. Slowly and gently lift your right leg by flexing the knee. Hold the shin with your hands and press it against the torso. So massaging bodies right internal: bilial gallbladder, liver and right ovary. Do the same with your left leg to stimulate the pancreas, spleen and ovary. Remember to always tighten right side first and then the left. Following this order will improve your digestion and elimination of toxins.

Asana: Circulatory. Heel lifts
why. improves circulation in the legs and feet, flexible tones the calves and ankles. Where
. In any place where you can descalzar.Cuándo. Try this exercise if you wear high heels regularly.
time. 5 minutes.
how. With your feet on the floor, lift both heels and beam strength with the toes. Keep the pressure a few seconds and then rest your heels on the floor. Repeat this movement several times. Then, lifting the entire foot, stretch and relax the fingers strongly, performing these movements rhythmically. Finally, turn both ankles 4 or 5 times on one side and then the other.


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