Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Why Does My Sucker Fish Always Die

humpback whales. We are in Ecuador Quito

The main objective of our weekend getaway was to visit the Isla de la Plata, which many call the "Galapagos of the poor" for his similutud both geological and fauna with those, and we went to see humpback whales, between June and September, choose these waters to breed. For these activities, the core of all tour operators is Puerto Lopez, but blows of fate ended up in a much quieter town, opposite the Isla de la Plata, Puerto Cayo. No more staying in the hotel ask for the activities for Saturday and nothing, the entire whole, either from here or from Puerto Lopez had seats. We were lucky to find seats for on Sunday but would have to leave early if we wanted to do everything we planned.
We spent Saturday relaxing on the beach, enjoy local food with a wide variety of seafood and think what might bring us the next day.

Rocks on the beach and islet Pedernales
Sunset beach

A butterfly in the dining room

seafood rice with black shell

Views from the Hotel Puerto Cayo

camotillo shrimp fried tortilla


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