Thursday, August 5, 2010

Whatis Proofvests In Arabic

The first feeling we had in Quito was a city almost deserted, but of course we got a Sunday night, the next day everything changed. The city awoke Monday to a full capacity, high traffic and many people in the streets from early. The first day is dedicated to acclimate in the morning we had a meeting to meet with fellow ETA, which we will develop the volunteer work and then another in the AECI. In the afternoon we walk around the beautiful historic city center, declared the first Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 1978. The jet lag and altitude sickness was dented, but not enough to take a couple of beers at the Plaza Foch, Quito core of the march, before returning to the hotel.

Company Church

Domes of the Church of the Company from the Plaza de San Francisco

Catedral Metropolitana de Quito

Plaza de Santo Domingo

Calle Venezuela with the Basilica in the background

Independence Square


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