Wednesday, August 11, 2010

List Of Stores That Have Layaway

Isla de la Plata and Puerto Cayo

At six o'clock we started in a small boat towards the Isla de la Plata, the sky was overcast and drizzling slightly, luckily the boat had a toldito protecting us. After an hour and a half of travel we came to the island and as welcoming us several sea turtles approached the boat. Lots of birds flew around us and was a spectacle to see how fishing pelicans and frigates as trying to steal their catches. In some rocks I saw a blue-footed booby and got closer until he could make a good portrait, face looked at me thinking, "wow, another tourist with that eye as strange."
After visiting the island we returned to the boat to return to Puerto Cayo and on the road making whale watching. We saw several groups of up to four copies and enjoy the spectacular jumps, unfortunately when we came to be submerged, were times when nobody was talking and we looked a little afraid, thinking that with a little bump could own shatter the small boat.
Sometimes the pictures will "enhance" what you see but in this case does not do justice to what we saw and felt in the island and the boat ride.

blue-footed booby
hump why this species is named
the caudal fin are identified different individuals
A greeting over the humpback whale
common Aura (Cathartes aura) flying
Pelican in the Isla de la Plata
Frigate in flight


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