Monday, May 25, 2009

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Prenatal Yoga Private Sessions Prenatal Education and

Special Sessions of

Prenatal Yoga and Prenatal Education

The conception, pregnancy, childbirth and parenting are times of great intensity and transformation. If you are carrying a miracle and you're on a wonderful stage of life. In my experience with breast highlight what most of them the work of yoga and prenatal education is gaining confidence in the wisdom of his body and his Scent of a Woman.

INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS: In these sessions you will learn yoga postures for pregnant you can do at home every day to help you sleep better, do better digestion, improve blood circulation, postural health of the spine, strengthen the pelvic floor .. ; breaths to help calm down and breath of effort, meditations that give you strength and confidence, displays that create a strong bond with your baby. Workers confidence and self esteem (your body now is changing at a rapid pace), recognition and processing of fear, relaxation techniques, communication with the baby for example: Display Childbirth.
talk about the importance feeding, breastfeeding, postpartum, the role of the father ... The great day, shattering our fears of delivery day to help you open yourself to a happy and natural childbirth, working the abandonment and trust and Si in Life and how to receive our baby. . At every meeting you have to bring comfortable clothes and a tape recorder and then you can practice at home the exercises, listen to relaxation, visualizations ... The display is done according to gestational age, this is not possible in the group. Tutorial: prenatal yoga and prenatal education. Session 1 hour and a half.

If students in the yoga group was taught Pregnancy Education session Prenatal, prenatal massage and yoga, as you choose.

For more detail,

Call me or email me.

Cristina-91 750 97 79-699 60 94 11


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