Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pain At Last Drop Urine

THE SUN. The Greek god Apollo (original name, the sun god Apollon),

SUN SYMBOL self-expression.

To better understand why we must unite with the heart, which the former managed to myth.
When we hear a story or a story, or see a movie, some of us begin to identify with the figures that appear there, this identification makes us feel and think about how it was that story from the inside, evoking memories, thoughts, feelings and intuitions. Look

each planet myths help us to connect with their true essence and not to stored mental terms that end up being inanimate.

Myth of Apollo: Greek god Apollon As also called "the gentleman of Olympus" was the most agr aciado of the gods, is depicted in many sculptures with a figure very well formed. Its origins

are much older than Greece, can be traced more or less to the VII and V centuries BC, he was associated with:
"The sun (it was carrying the sun in his chariot from east to west)
-The Gift
prophecy, healing
-Breaking family curses
-artistic inspiration (especially music and poetry)

He was loved because they could turn the interior light.

He was not the sun, carrying the sun, because the ancients believed that the physical sun was distant and untouchable, as was life itself, impossible to achieve or fully understand.

Description: Identified with Apollo is to build a float where transport of our sun safely staff a container where is our self.

A container or a coach is not nothing but a device used to recepcionar the sun and transport in a safe manner, are the defenses and the virtues that make one's will can be mobilized to its objectives, for example if we solar idea of \u200b\u200bwriting a book, but we have no language or know tipi on a keyboard, or know how to write by hand, but good ideas we can not, in this instance the container is the language, ideas are the sun.

Turn the backlight is to find the inner wisdom that gradually opens up the consciousness.

Myth: One of his greatest gifts was "Murderer of darkness and breaking family curses" and he was the patron of the tormented by guilt.
His battles with entities of the underworld as Python (the giant snake) and the terrible Furies gave him the title of champion that defeats the forces of destiny and compulsions ancestral and clear ... best, but overcame these forces, joined in their worship. For example Python

becomes one of their symbols as serpents and the figure was the priestess Pythia the oracle at Delphi who communicated with the gods.

were also venerated under another symbol that was his temple, a stone called "Omphalos (navel stone), representing the center of the earth, the place which manifests the sunlight.

In some coins found in the temple of Apollo at Delphi can see the image of the omphalos , schematically represented by a dot in the center of a circle.
Description: representations on the coins show the image that we use in astrology the sun (a circle with a dot in the center)
The Sun in astrology represents the center of personal conscience, where we feel that we are keepers a particular destination, different and unique, apart from the family, tradition or social context.

Greek family curses refer to conflicts made that pass from generation to generation and can be expressed in a family member in psychology is called the identified patient or the slang term "scapegoat" is person who is sensitive enough to bear the heavy burden that no one in the family wanted to see.
are sometimes none (father, mother, grandparents, grandparents vis, etc.) has been out of fear or lack of express tools. At other times emotions are unfit for moral or spiritual tradition.

congenital diseases may be expressed as physical or psychological, such as drug addiction, alcoholism, cancer, congenital, compulsions with food, self-destructive behavior, etc..

As you can see it is very difficult to cope with these dragons without looking into the depths of the darkness within and family causes, long and arduous process that requires sunlight of consciousness to find consistency. Therefore

Apollo as the winner of Piton and the Furies, shows us the key to solving these problems. In the dark nothing grows or fades, sunlight is necessary for the emergence of the dragon and to confront it. Apollo

then are all therapies that seek to illuminate the darkened conflict by time and denial, where we have prostituted by the convenience of not cope with the terrible.

The sun active in our lives makes their integration into consciousness the underworld entities in our personal and family for them as in the Delphi Temple of Apollo an appropriate place for each one (make our furies an omphalos and our snakes a symbol of initiation and a Pythia).

By the sun, the planets move in their orbits, in the past it was said that thanks to the god Apollo, his reason as to reconcile all the plants so that revolved around him.

This shows that a chart should be read based on the sun because is the center of consciousness and is reconciling the planetary aspects and enables them to speak and be tools for me, otherwise, we are prisoners of the planets and the gods of our internal conflicts and of course, our family heritage its task is not performed.

Bibliography: Liz Greene
Journal-Wikipedia with their definitions of myths Apollo Omphalos, Temple of Delphi


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