Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sony Bravia As Extender

Conference: Sun. Symbol of the hero who breaks the family curse myths and

Lecture on April 20, 2009 Internet, attended by over 250 people from around the world. Although it was the first time using this technology we did well.

The topic was: "The sun. Command hero who breaks the family curse," is a talk of astrology, where we boarded mythological theme of the sun and as contacts in our life helps us to leave ancestral cycles suffering. Verlade

To play in this video:

DOWN COMPUTER CONFERENCE FORMAT AND IPOD (With the right mouse button, click on "Save target as" top down conference)

The memoirs of the finds in this Blog Articles:

THE SUN. The Greek god Apollo (original name, the sun god Apollon),

The sun, breaking family curses symbol

The PowerPoint presentation is:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bangbros How Much Investment

mythology tells stories that are emotional and mental parameters of being human.

Each god, hero, victim and rescuer are active in us, as a mold in our emotions, thoughts and actions.

When we see them active in our lives we realize that the continuing problems existed long before we were born and as such there is also a solution and learning implicit in the myth.

This blog is an invitation to find out how the myths and stories are active in us, read between the lines the mysteries of life and well expressed in our daily routines sublime truths. Welcome

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Action Replay On Desmume Mac

recognize the shadow self and give the place it deserves in our lives

Shadow vital principles are those we do not want them in our lives because we seem unethical, or feel unworthy or threatening to security.

But they are living archetypes that need expression, if not come take them into account in the form of compulsion or disease. This video

shown in poetic form (by Ruben Dario, the Nicaraguan poet) and Asis Frasncisco taught the villagers to deal with his shadow wolf, an active and dynamic and would not be assumed to be desvocó attack from the dark compulsively.

The full story of the wolf and Francisco de Asis, the video below.

In the time that San Francisco was dwelling in the city of Gubbio, the region appeared in a huge lion, terrible and ferocious, who devoured not only animals but also to men; to the point that had terrorized the inhabitants, because many times he approached the city. All were armed when they left the city, like the war, and yet, who ran into him while he just could not defend themselves. Such was the terror, no one ventured out of the city.

San Francisco, moved to compassion for the people of the village, wanted to go out to face the wolf, disregarding the advice of people who wanted to dissuade him at all costs. And, making the sign of the cross, went out of town with his companions, in God his trust. As fellow hesitated to go ahead, San Francisco walked resolutely to the place where the wolf. When I here that, in view of many residents, who had followed in large numbers to see this miracle, the wolf went forward to meet San Francisco with his mouth open, approaching him, San Francisco made the sign of Cross, called himself and said:

- Come here, Brother Wolf! I command you, on behalf of Christ, not hurt me or anyone.

admirable thing! Just drew the cross San Francisco, the terrible wolf closed his mouth, stopped running and, obeying the order, went meekly as a lamb, and fell at the feet of San Francisco. So San Francisco spoke in these terms:

- Brother Wolf, you're hurting in this region, has caused very great evils mistreating and killing God's creatures without your permission, and you are not satisfied with killing and devouring beasts but you had the audacity to give death and cause harm to men, made in the image of God. Therefore you deserve the gallows as a thief and murderer. Everyone shouts and murmurs against you and the entire city is your enemy. But I wish, Brother Wolf, to make peace between you and them, so you do not offend them on, and they will forgive all past offenses, and stop chasing men and dogs.

At these words, the wolf, with the movement of the body, tail and ears and head down, accept and love expressed to fulfill what he said San Francisco. Then said San Francisco:

- Brother Wolf, since you are willing to make and maintain this peace, I promise to make people the city will continuously provide you need while you live, so do not spend longer hungry, because I know very well that hunger has done wrong you've done. But once you have gotten me this favor, I wish, Brother Wolf, you promise me you will not do damage and no man in the world and no animal. Do you promise?

The wolf, bowing his head, clearly hinted that it promised. San Francisco said

- Brother Wolf, I want to give me faith in this promise, that I can trust you fully. San Francisco

spread it on hand to receive the faith, and the wolf lifted his front leg and placed it gently on the hand San Francisco, giving the sign of faith he asked. Then he told San Francisco:

- Brother wolf, I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come with me without fear now, we will conclude this peace in God's name.

The wolf obeyed, went with him as a gentle lamb, amid the astonishment of the inhabitants. The news spread quickly throughout the city, and everyone, young and old, men and women, young and old, were coming to the plaza to see the wolf in San Francisco. When the people had gathered, San Francisco stood up and preached, saying, among other things, how God permits such calamities because of sins, and is much more to fear the fires of hell, which is to last forever for those convicted, not the ferocity of a wolf, that can only kill the body, and if the mouth of a small animal inspires both fear and terror to many people, much more to be feared is not the mouth of hell.

- Turn, then, to God, dear, and do penance for your sins, and God will deliver you from the wolf to the present and the fire of hell in the future.

After the sermon, said San Francisco:

- Listen, my brethren: Brother Wolf, who is here before you, I was promised and given their faith to make peace with you and not harm you forward in anything if you are committed to giving you every day what you need. I go guarantor for him to faithfully fulfill its part of the peace agreement.

Then all the people with one voice, promised to feed continuously. And San Francisco said the wolf before them all

- And you, Brother Wolf, do you promise to fulfill to them the peace agreement, ie, not to do harm either to men or animals, or any creature? The wolf knelt and bowed his head, saying with gentle gestures of the body, tail and ears, as he could, his willingness to comply with all terms of the agreement.

added San Francisco:

- Brother Wolf, I want you and you gave me faith in this promise outside the gates of the city, give me faith back now before all the people that I'll be cheated on the word that I have on your behalf. Then, the wolf, raising his right paw, put it in the hands of San Francisco. This act and others who have spoken so much admiration and joy were all the people and the devotion of the Holy as the novelty of the miracle and for peace with the wolf, that all began to cry out to heaven, praising God for having sent to San Francisco, which, on its merits, had escaped from the mouth of the beast.

The wolf continued to live two years at Gubbio; went meekly in the houses door to door, without causing harm to anyone and without receiving none. People fed him politely, and while going after the city and in every house, the dogs never barked. Finally, after two years, the wolf died of old brother, the people felt it much since, seeing him so gentle walk around the city, they brought to mind the virtue and the sanctity of San Francisco.

Bloon Tower Defence 4 Not Blocked

To be a good astrologer ...

astrologers to be good we must focus our eyes to the real phenomena and not stay in the diagram which gives the computer.
wish we had a telescope at home.

less than 200 years ago we were a little more connected with the stars, because the lack of electricity made them look extremely starry nights.

Imagine for example the Maya, in completely dark nights without television or radio. Watching the sky and draw conclusions had to be a delight.

For example if we look to the sky, they knew that Venus has phases like the moon, then there can make a first interpretation, love goes through cycles and phases.

know that in our solar system have some other rocky planets and gas, the closer the sun are rocky and gaseous farther. Mercury Venus Earth Mars that have a center rock, give us the qualities of personality generating a concept of how we should be like a rock in our lives.

And Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are gaseous and fairly represent the social and group interaction, a volatile issue, which we can not have him as a rock inside us but we depend on others. For

invite you to look at but the sky.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pain At Last Drop Urine

THE SUN. The Greek god Apollo (original name, the sun god Apollon),

SUN SYMBOL self-expression.

To better understand why we must unite with the heart, which the former managed to myth.
When we hear a story or a story, or see a movie, some of us begin to identify with the figures that appear there, this identification makes us feel and think about how it was that story from the inside, evoking memories, thoughts, feelings and intuitions. Look

each planet myths help us to connect with their true essence and not to stored mental terms that end up being inanimate.

Myth of Apollo: Greek god Apollon As also called "the gentleman of Olympus" was the most agr aciado of the gods, is depicted in many sculptures with a figure very well formed. Its origins

are much older than Greece, can be traced more or less to the VII and V centuries BC, he was associated with:
"The sun (it was carrying the sun in his chariot from east to west)
-The Gift
prophecy, healing
-Breaking family curses
-artistic inspiration (especially music and poetry)

He was loved because they could turn the interior light.

He was not the sun, carrying the sun, because the ancients believed that the physical sun was distant and untouchable, as was life itself, impossible to achieve or fully understand.

Description: Identified with Apollo is to build a float where transport of our sun safely staff a container where is our self.

A container or a coach is not nothing but a device used to recepcionar the sun and transport in a safe manner, are the defenses and the virtues that make one's will can be mobilized to its objectives, for example if we solar idea of \u200b\u200bwriting a book, but we have no language or know tipi on a keyboard, or know how to write by hand, but good ideas we can not, in this instance the container is the language, ideas are the sun.

Turn the backlight is to find the inner wisdom that gradually opens up the consciousness.

Myth: One of his greatest gifts was "Murderer of darkness and breaking family curses" and he was the patron of the tormented by guilt.
His battles with entities of the underworld as Python (the giant snake) and the terrible Furies gave him the title of champion that defeats the forces of destiny and compulsions ancestral and clear ... best, but overcame these forces, joined in their worship. For example Python

becomes one of their symbols as serpents and the figure was the priestess Pythia the oracle at Delphi who communicated with the gods.

were also venerated under another symbol that was his temple, a stone called "Omphalos (navel stone), representing the center of the earth, the place which manifests the sunlight.

In some coins found in the temple of Apollo at Delphi can see the image of the omphalos , schematically represented by a dot in the center of a circle.
Description: representations on the coins show the image that we use in astrology the sun (a circle with a dot in the center)
The Sun in astrology represents the center of personal conscience, where we feel that we are keepers a particular destination, different and unique, apart from the family, tradition or social context.

Greek family curses refer to conflicts made that pass from generation to generation and can be expressed in a family member in psychology is called the identified patient or the slang term "scapegoat" is person who is sensitive enough to bear the heavy burden that no one in the family wanted to see.
are sometimes none (father, mother, grandparents, grandparents vis, etc.) has been out of fear or lack of express tools. At other times emotions are unfit for moral or spiritual tradition.

congenital diseases may be expressed as physical or psychological, such as drug addiction, alcoholism, cancer, congenital, compulsions with food, self-destructive behavior, etc..

As you can see it is very difficult to cope with these dragons without looking into the depths of the darkness within and family causes, long and arduous process that requires sunlight of consciousness to find consistency. Therefore

Apollo as the winner of Piton and the Furies, shows us the key to solving these problems. In the dark nothing grows or fades, sunlight is necessary for the emergence of the dragon and to confront it. Apollo

then are all therapies that seek to illuminate the darkened conflict by time and denial, where we have prostituted by the convenience of not cope with the terrible.

The sun active in our lives makes their integration into consciousness the underworld entities in our personal and family for them as in the Delphi Temple of Apollo an appropriate place for each one (make our furies an omphalos and our snakes a symbol of initiation and a Pythia).

By the sun, the planets move in their orbits, in the past it was said that thanks to the god Apollo, his reason as to reconcile all the plants so that revolved around him.

This shows that a chart should be read based on the sun because is the center of consciousness and is reconciling the planetary aspects and enables them to speak and be tools for me, otherwise, we are prisoners of the planets and the gods of our internal conflicts and of course, our family heritage its task is not performed.

Bibliography: Liz Greene
Journal-Wikipedia with their definitions of myths Apollo Omphalos, Temple of Delphi

Monday, April 13, 2009

Stopres That Have Layaway

The sun, breaking family curses symbol

Proceedings of the video issued on April 20, 2009

The sun is our star solar system, thanks to the all the planets are due. Representations


-symbol of the monarchy.

In ancient times the monarch or king was the bridge between god or gods and men, is showing us the will of the divine.

The king was priest and king (pontifex) bridge builder and mediator between heaven and earth.

The sun is an active, dynamic, progressive.

is the aspect of personality that is always changing


: hero History repeats itself in all mythologies.

- not born a hero, must win the title on their own.
- not just ownership men, the sun is active in both men and women.
- The masculine and feminine adjective does not refer to sex, but aspects of the personality.

The Hero with a Thousand Faces: Joseph Campbell The monomyth (1968)

Hero's Journey.

1. Birth strange and powerful: for example, generated by a god in a mortal mother, or for example in his father Achilles was mortal but her mother goddess (Thetis), a hybrid between a human and therefore divine its destiny is to build bridges between heaven and earth.

Usually the child does not know of his lineage, he believes that is like all other mortals, but it haunts her sense to be special and intuition to be different and there comes the search for his true origin.

This duality of parents, states that are not made only of earth, and we are not only beings who are born grow reproduce and die but there is something else.

Each of us is special and unique, and we have a special contribution to make to life, something contrary to what shows the other luminary (the moon), which is tied to the estate, imposed on the destination.

The sun then is a feeling that we are something more than matter, then there is a journey of discovery to find our true lineage, it must find that deep mystery that lies within yourself.

Also shown in fairy tales where the boy or girl is in charge of a stepparent abhorrent and replace the father or mother who can not be divine, but at least is shrouded in mystery. Has a special destiny, escape the environment that oppresses him and find his true birthplace.

Awakening the solar principle in our lives is that feeling of being special, think we are children of gods, or not to believe that our parents are real. Awakening can occur in many phases of life eg at age 42 during the crisis of midlife, many people realize they are unique and special, here comes the hero.

Al sol not interested in facts presented, it is idea and intuition of the moon are the material forms. Self-

: experience of life itself as something special and meaningful.
Daimon (socrates) energy that pushes us to become our ideal. Unless we

heroic leap and do not give our contribution to the world are tied to the torture of the unlived possibilities, and we fear death because we never really live.

2. Envy and Persecution: (childhood hero of solar) Various enemies
myths: the stepparent, the usurper king of the kingdom or king, who receives a portent that you believe will be defeated by a hero, so send to kill children. Jesus and Herod

The sun is special, when it is displayed, gives rise to envy the other hand, the sun stayed envious of others

primary Conflict easy exit to the sun:
fear of being themselves, because others react to one and rejection angry words and emotions of those most important to us, because we believe that without them we die.

Many times parents are reacting against the free expression of the hero, because their internal heroes have soured and now are just a receptacle of envy.

Maybe that boy hero has protection of the mother, but sooner or later will have to own defenses to understand that in life the envy is a fact.
can not run home crying every time someone attacks him.
The hero must cultivate:

loyal individual to serve as

Failure to cultivate these virtues, it is best to turn off the sun and shelter in mother's uterus, which is not only done with family, but many people turn off their light for shelter in an unsatisfactory work, or in an unhappy marriage but surely deleted to avoid competition in the world. (Maternal substitutes to avoid competition)

3. The call to adventure
can come in two forms call:

"In the myth the divine father appears in a vision (Despabílate, and find your treasure), this means that life can come from the call interior of a sudden intuition.
(Saturn return at 30 or half the life cycle of Uranus 42)

-vocation may also manifest external shock or disaster, crops are lost or the old king dies. Within a crisis because we are expressed in areas never before known, seeing forced to express many virtues did not know their own.

If this happens knock a very dramatic and a little knowledge I especially youth, with deep-seated feelings of inferiority, the appeal is taken as a messianic work as compensatory.
There is a difference between llamdo in a relatively strong personality and a low strength, it will lead to a messianic fantasy.
The uniqueness of the sun is not incompatible with humility and with practicality, does not require looking down to common mortals, unless arranged with childhood wounds still open. As Hamlet says:

"If he comes now, there will come later.
If you do not come then, come now.
If you do not come now, come one day.
Everything is be prepared. "

The call comes at the right time, not before.
More than one opportunity to answer the call
works on many levels.
important meeting being started in transit with the sun.
Master lover
friends ...
4. test and aides
The hero must pass a test before the truth revealed to him

- Aide

gives the parent is the divine, or a friend or lover. For example Ariadne and Theseus or Perseus, Jason and Medea receives a shield of Athena.

The problem of backing down, is part of the story's hero.

Noe received the call to an ark, but he does not want and takes many excuses, until God imposes the task. There is a heroic but reflects how we feel.
whining is as if we needed a bit before starting, pes the voice of our age that she feels very hurt and sorry for himself when the demands of our sun impel us to leave our facilities.

The parent divine within us will not leave us alone until we give out. You can pay dearly for the refusal to become himself, often in depression or the test may proceed to the next generation, then the children or grandchildren play them take charge and become more and more heavy.

is possible to refuse and take refuge in a self-destructive diseases in the lunar world.

the world is full of lost solar call to adventure. Many appear normal but apparently because no one is home.

Help comes from within but sometimes projected onto another person, myth can be fatal or mother goddesses. the myth reflects the wisdom of the moon, because it teaches us to take care of ourselves.
natal aspects are also benign aid the hero.
If we have more harmonious aspects (trines, sextile) are lucky because we are in harmony with ourselves and this means that we have several internal and external aid. For example

when Perseus goes after the gods help Medusa, Athena gives him a shield to see it reflected, hades gives you a helmet that makes him invisible and out of their hermes wizard hat a pair of winged sandals. Suggests that the hero redeems a problem that goes beyond his personal quest, is doing something for himself and for the community, is a matter of universal human heritage. The gods need a hero, the collective unconscious depends on the individual.

The hero must perform the task by an internal call, NOT to ingratiate himself with the world, it will end up caught by not being true to himself. But when you take your inner call may give something to others.

paradox ... to become what we have more to offer. that if we rush to ingratiate ourselves with others.

- Crossing the Threshold

I looked horrible and dangerous to try to prevent the hero gets his goal
internal conflict. The sun sign expresses
weaknesses and strengths.
difficult aspects to the sun represent the obstacles, it seems as if we are prevented from growing. Opponents

: "Brother
dark, amoral side which is its shadow. Women
stepmother-wicked witch, moon goddess less maternal, instinctive needs are opposed to the new.
-monster or dragon: huge images of the instincts blind and primitive representing inertia, apathy and conservatism of the old that resists change and transformation.

A hero who has not grown can see his mother and a dragon who must fight to find their individuality.

solar hero must fight every night with the serpent, is the process of adolescence, the first collision between solar and returned to the nest. Stage

fighter, where the feminine, the mother, which hosts the women, the physical body, they become the enemy. Is a form of dragon that must be defeated. For example, anorexia.
can get stuck all life on the threshold, struggling with the mother dragon.

Threshold: Need to be loved and cherished, and loyalty need to defend our own values.

From this point of view, solar, lunar everything is seen as destructive of life, duty is overcome.

-Adolescence: Sufficiently trained to see that the pull back towards the needs of mother is a kind of death, yet so little formed to meet the challenges of their own. Nerve-Crisis
teenage students
-Anorexia, violent rejection of food, is the repudiation of the mother dragon
-Everything seems a battle.
"A safe workplace but annuls us
-A family in which trust

Erich Neumann calls this stage of evolution of the "Fighter." Although
phase of youth, and an inevitable stage can also be a place where we are compelled to return later in life i s the sun has not come to evolve.

The Wrestler, everything looks like a battle. (Does not include the feminine, whether it is the real mother as family ties, emotions, women, the surrogate mother in the place of work or mortal flesh)

Pictured myths Dionysus and Christ, there is no dragon, because they assume the form of redeemers with the ritual of dismemberment and great suffering.
The dragon is not planned, is the nature of the body and instincts which must be attacked.

The fight with the dragon shown inside a kind of dismemberment or crucifixion, because the separate suffer. There is always a problem of suffering of loneliness, isolation, guilt and hostility by other people when the sun begins to emerge If we deny this grieving process, we need to always find out a dragon upon whom to project our own pain.

The cross, dragon, fighting, are the symbols take on their own solar, of loneliness and isolation that is identifying with our own values \u200b\u200band fight for them.

why the call appears after age 30, when he has the ability to take responsibility for himself.

- Treasure

Gold, jewels, water of life, the government of a kingdom or the gift of healing or prophecy:

There is a prize or treasure that awaits the hero after his ordeal. Often, it is literally
treasure: gold or jewelry, or aquatic life, or the government of a kingdom, or the gift of healing
or prophecy. It is an intensely individual, but it is something of great value to the hero

personal level, the sun in one's life is striving for the ultimate reward:
indestructible core of identity that justifies and gives value to existence.

Hero and the treasure is really the same. The treasure is found likewise, found to be special that is under the body material. An indestructible, the discovery of self, something not easy to achieve that is forged in every fight with the dragon mother comfort.

partner Sometimes the treasure is to find the couple, then joins the other half and generates a famous dynasty which descended kings, queens.

what might mean for us this symbol? Perhaps reflecting the solar impulse to create something that lasts beyond life itself. The archetypal masculine anxiety by having a male child expresses the basic level of leverage, biological.

But there are also indoor levels. If the Sun live as fully as we can,
we have the feeling that we have secured our tiny portion of eternity
to offer the collective unconscious something that has lasting value. We have given life
something of our own lives. The fifth house, the sons, is governed by the Sun, which offers its essence
the future in order to experience the kingdom of eternity. The Moon has its own instinctive need
have children, which reflects the natural continuity of life on earth. The desire for progeny
del Sol is a quest for immortality.

For many people, however, children are not the only channel through which the solar
momentum needs to express themselves. While this may be the highest "natural", some
individuals choose not to have children or can not. So it is extremely important
find another dimension to the solar impulse. In the letter, the fifth house
reflects the desire of the artist to create something indestructible, inside a child's imagination to survive its creator
and contribution future generations the essence of his being or his vision. I've met people that satisfy this yearning
planting trees. They know perfectly well that when the tree reaches maturity
will no longer be to see it, but the act of planting gives them the feeling that transcend time. Thus, the sacred marriage which creates a dynasty is a powerful symbol of the need for Sun to bring forward a small fragment of their divine essence.

The award of the hero is sometimes an elixir, which he must steal.
likely to confer immortality, or gifts of healing, or prophecy, or you can save the kingdom.
The theme of the elixir stolen with great regularity appears not only in fairy tales but also
myths such as the Babylonian Gilgamesh, who stole a branch of the Tree of Immortality
, or Prometheus, who stole the sacred fire Zeus, or Jason, the thief of the Golden Fleece
magical substance is usually in the hands of a monster or dragon,
of a sorcerer or witch, and the hero must steal away and return to ordinary life. The
illicit nature of the mission of the hero is a very interesting topic that we should study more carefully
because it can tell us about the conflicts and dilemmas innate
a need to express the Sun

-The return
Finally, the hero must return and the return is not simpler than the process that led from
. Again, it should make the crossing of the threshold with the treasure (the elixir, with the bride-or both) to re-enter everyday life.

As the myth of the hero does not give us once in life, but repeated continuously on many levels, this difficult process of return following each act of creation and of triumphant self-realization.

Sometimes the return is reflected in a time of depression, because the reality of the world contrasts painfully with large internal tasks to which we have been delivering. At times, the last stage of the search, the hero must be rescued by his assistants, and may have to deal with yet another dragon or another sorcerer (which incidentally are the same) that gets in the way back.

And sometimes, he did not really want to return. The fiery temperament, which is valid for Leo, ruled by the Sun, as for Aries and Sagittarius, this return to ordinary life can be particularly difficult, because it seems very boring, and it is likely that the hero is already planning his next search before completing the previous.

We can not simply look at a horoscope and say, "Ah, here's the story of Theseus and the Minotaur
, this is your hero myth." All stages of the Hero's Journey
are important to everyone at some point in life, although there may be a more prominent issue. For
example, I found that Gemini tends to clash repeatedly with some form of dark twin
, while Scorpio favors confrontation with dragons. But these issues may reflect other factors
the letter, as the Moon conjunct Pluto, or a Gemini Ascendant
and interwoven with the topics of the Sun site
also should remember that sooner or later all the other planets will transit in
aspect to the Sun, and that this progress with many planets forming aspects along the

Sooner or later, we all have a glimpse of how someone might feel a
being different. And as I said, represent the journey of the hero many times and
many different ways, some so brief that are completed in the course of a
week, or even a day. As soon as we have made some progress in the domain of consciousness
and the deployment of self, comes a new call to adventure, and return to starting
. actually never finished the process the Sun

Bibliography: Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas, book luminaries

Recommended Reading: / Liz-Greene-The-Ride-The-Hero