Sunday, March 20, 2011

Welcome Note To New Church Member

Uranus in Aries

The planet Uranus was discovered on March 11, 1781 by a German musician named William Herschel, to the name to a celestial object is the privilege of its discoverer, as t have a beginning the planet called Georgius Sidus (pllaneta George) in honor of the re and George III of England who had lost all their possessions in North America by independence. After astronomer Johann Elert Bode asked to be given continuity to the mythological tradition with the planets as far away as Uranus was Saturn, so must be the father as well as Saturn was the father of Jupiter.

However, in 1789 discovered the metallic chemical element called uranium, he was given that name in honor of the newly discovered planet.

same social level in 1789 French Revolution breaks out, one of the largest in history at that time the world was allowed to pass the call to freedom and most of the people was heard before monarchies.

interesting thing is that the planet Uranus has just entered the sign of Aries from March 11, 2011, is the zodiac sign of onset, is related to the change of seasons, the onset of spring is the union of celestial and ecliptic Ecuador, astrologers and astronomers use the 0 point of Aries to begin the location coordinates of the stars in the sky.

Aries is the sign of beginnings, of beginnings, is the gateway to the energy that revives the earth, the first sign of fire, cardinal leads us to look with strength and vigor to our destination.

past 84 years not playing to Aries Uranus, it is curious that its cycle around the sun takes 84 years, its discoverer (Herschel) died when he was 84.

84 years ago, in 1927 we had great discoveries and great changes, such as electricity began in the home, also became the first transatlantic flight and became the first transatlantic call.

Uranus is in Aries from 2011 to 2018, brings us great human revolutions, great discoveries and a lot of fire from the gods like Prometheus, who gave the men a stolen fire and therefore gained a great punishment in the Caucasus and Pandora's box men.
Just as the French revolution brought human rights, also brought the guillotine and many heads rolled before stabilizing, also the revolutions in our society have a moral cost, social and physical, but I'm sure lead us to understand better and deeper human beings in their true nature and have better life for future generations and with greater freedom for ourselves. Dar

battle today in a revolution is not necessarily going out to fight with someone, revolutions must be in the heart, mind and body.

  • that enslave us?
  • As we are liberated from those old kings internal?
  • Where is our strength of will?
  • How we use our ingenuity to successfully overcome our own moral or social prison?
  • rituals we do make sense or just do it because they always have done?
  • Let us be the heroes of our personal history or victims of life and destiny than others or the past or morals chosen by us.


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