Thursday, January 20, 2011

How To Use Motor For A Cake

Course Introduction to Astrology, another form of self

The course of February 5 was full, why repeat February 12. To register please call 6008232 or 7509386

PLACE: Bogotá, Colombia. Av.Carrera
24 No. 86-50 Quarter Pole

DATE: 5 February 2011 (already filled, another will open February 12)
TIME: 9 AM to 5 PM
VALUE: $ 80,000

Information and registration:
Phone: 6008232 or 7509386
Mobile: 3108146118

"Astrology represents the summation of all psychological knowledge of antiquity. " Carl G. Jung


- What is Astrology? differences and similarities with astronomy.
- Layout of the sky to analyze
- How do my chart?
- Cycle of the sun and the sun sign
- What is up? and as that is mine?
- What can and can not say the chart
Planets - The Zodiac and the twelve signs

Duration: 6 hours

Conducted by: Juan Carlos Gomez
Systems Engineer, graduated in psychology Jung, astrologer with over 15 years experience, manager of Al-kimia flower essences, author of the blogs:

Course Author virtual flower essences: / view.php? id = 4

Location: Avenida Carrera 24 No. 86 - 50 neighborhoods
Pole Value: $ 80,000 Quota

maximum 14 people.


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