Monday, September 6, 2010

Chennai Resorts Ecr Contact List

Berlengas Islands. Portugal

Back in the Old heat press and decided to escape to the coast of Portugal, this time the target is heavily fortified peninsula Peniche one of the central region. One of the most interesting options in this area is to visit the island Berlenga , protected shelter many birds. The trip from Peniche is just over half an hour but the output against the waves and the small boat taking panzazo makes it heavier.
on one of the islands near the island rises Berlenga Fort San Juan Bautista, 1502, which makes us think about the strategic importance of the area is now a hostel along with a camping area represent the only place overnight.
acknowledge that I have never liked the seagulls and tour the island surrounded by hundreds of them it was an idea that was very pleasing, but suddenly I found myself smiling, I could not believe, their croaks like me laughing were infected. And I was, during the three hours I walked touring the island, with a smile that at times turned into laughter, and I can assure you I did not take anything "weird." According
already have in 1465 King Alfonso V of Portugal prohibited the hunting in this place, so it is considered the first nature reserve in the world, today many sea birds nest here which led to its protection as a nature reserve in 1981.

Fort San Juan Bautista
Gull at Fort
Buzina and islets Area
Barrio fishing and camping area


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