Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Office Organization Tips

Mythology and Psychology of the sign of Cancer

Representative Myths: Egyptian


beetles (Scara Baeus ): Symbol of immortality and Move
self-creation between their claws back a ball which protects their eggs and larvae

Egyptian sun god called Aten:

As the beetle moves the solar disk from east to west and at night fighting the big snake in the cave underworld so that you can emerge victorious and start a new day

Neoplatonists Chaldeans: Cancer
They called the door of men that the soul descends from heaven to become incarnate (transcendent vision of the sign of cancer, not as normally given as a good cook and mother)

For some Greeks the zodiac starts in Cancer, not Aries, midnight and the new day begins, the house 4 or Cancer represents the lowest part of the zodiac, where things end up, but where in turn they are born.

Cancer This strong relationship with the seed and the origin of life, linking it with the two main archetypes:

-PRIMARY OR THE GREAT MOTHER MOTHER: Related to the outlet of the uterus
- the primal father: Related to the spiritual seed that fertilizes and gives rise to new life

  • Crab Greek Myth:
One of the labors of Hercules was to destroy the Hydra of 9 heads , all animals helped him but the goddess Hera sent the crab who lived in the nearby swamp to avoid to win the battle.
The crab attacked Hercules with their claws biting the feet and ankles, almost wins, but Hercules manages to trample and crush. The goddess Hera
crab raised to heaven as a reward for services rendered. Analysis

Greek myth: Hercules
shows that we must awaken the hero to fight the world's problems.
Hera is the representative of the archetype of the Great Mother, which attacks the bases, undermining the security of individual property of Cancer maneuver. Hera hated Hercules
he is a child of one of Zeus' lovers, their hate is the wrath of the great mother against the new hero emerged that threatens their position. Description

sign Cancer according to the myth:
To Cancer is very important to conduct battles to escape the power of Mother, should seek to be Hercules or rather the hero of his own history. Cancer
For some, motherhood can mean everything and the father only provide seed
more regressive elements of Cancer opposed to freedom and personal conscience, choice and separation, as the crab attacking the myth, undermining the individual's safety for fear of loneliness
primordial Mother prefer to destroy the child before he gets out of his domain.

Tricks of the Primordial Mother:
  • Subject to hero by the feet instead of face
  • undermines the stability of individual
  • dynamics operating in some relationships, it seems to give affection and support while secretly mine during battles. Archetypes
Primordial Mother and Father: Mother
terrible who wants to have control of the nascent individuality
Heavenly Father divine source to which the individual aspires
Mother and Father are represented in one in the Uroboros, the snake self-generated biting its tail. Destination
  • represents the union of male and female opposites to generate and regenerate
  • Search the divine source which appears in the beginning of life as at the end when the soul is united with the Reverse search
  • One of the uterus and at the same time mystical search for God. Maternal Complex
  • The search was initially projected on the mother, that takes so much strength the mother figure
  • in man: Search for a "mother" in the world to be protected and delete her fear, her loneliness and sense of isolation
  • The woman also looking for a mother or father looking to become the through motherhood.
  • Withdrawing life and dive into the eternal embrace of the parents
Destination sad but necessary for many cancer be rejected in its infancy, it helps to mobilize all defenses to the internal mother father and does not appear projected.

  • Their fate is to deliver images of the oceanic realm of the unconscious, both as a child corporeal as artistic creation. It is more a poet, artist, musician good cook and housekeeper
  • moves in the domain of images reports.
  • As the crab has one foot in the ocean of unconscious and the other foot on the ground, so you can build a bridge between two worlds.
  • may be more important to be creative, but moral situations or family tradition, decided to project better all the time and care rather than be the same as the creative.
Myth Tethys Ocean and its goddess:

is called the life-giving charity
is also a sea monster
Its predecessor is the Babylonian Tiamat, Marduk's mother who kills to protect yourself and your body dismembered appears the manifest world the great Creatix

Call Of Tethys is the word Titenai, which means having and order

History of Tethys:
For example in the genesis of the Bible we read how life began spreading God
Tethys sea water is not only God but also the waters, there was far behind
Yavhe Urobolos is very similar to, contains in its depths, the top male and female Nereis also
Call (wet element)
From his name comes the name of Nereus or Proteus

Nereus or Proteus:
Depicted Fishtail emerge where a lion, a deer and a snake
Proteo is the Father of the sea and is the mother Thetis had
the power to foretell the future morphing and changing shape
When Odysseus was lost, their only way out was to find Proteus to show him the exit. Ulises
captures the old prophet of the deep and stays with him until he gives his wisdom.

If we answer the ocean or unconscious, you must sit as Ulysses to see how images are transformed dreams, fantasies and symbols, to clearly show the future, is it the task of analysis, listen to fantasies, dreams, imaginations, until they displayed clear consciousness.
is an important facet in the creative process when the artist must deal with images that twist and transform before emerging as something stable.
of Proteus comes the noun "Proteus" and the word "protein" referred to those who frequently change opinions and affections.

Cancer has a reputation as a sign ambiguous and difficult to set
As water and unconscious change smoothly from one form to another
lives in a world in which nothing is equal to 5 minutes earlier. Ulises

shows us that we should do with the changing Proteus, catch it and hope that the future
Myth of Tethys:
beautiful Thetis was a goddess, Zeus and Poseidon were courting her, but heard a prophecy that a son of Thetis would be greater than his father. (Here and shows that the sons of the ocean or the children of Cancer are possessed of something numinous and that his destiny is to be more than their parents)

Zeus then ordered to Thetis marry a mortal not to endanger the Olympus .

Here we show the myth that the creative power of Cancer can only breed through the consciousness and the human condition, ie interactions of the psyche can only be expressed in an ego. It takes the human to improve the great work.

Thetis married Peleus, his union has 7 children, among them the hero Achilles. The goddess Thetis

not could support their children to be fatal so there are two versions showing as it did to make them immortal

In one version she burns to their children to mortal flesh ascend to Olympus and occupy a place among the gods, Peleus the father, able to rescue Achilles outraged clinging to the heels, which remained lethal.

In another version, Thetis dipped Achilles in the river Styx to the underworld called him immortal, but forgot to do the same with your heels.

In both versions it is clear the projection of numinous about their children, spoiling humanity to divinity and not requiring the least, this is a situation found in many cancer, wanting their children to be perfect, almost like gods, not accepting the mistakes and everyday situations.

also shows a preference among the children, projecting on favorite over-protection.

Another way to analyze the myth, is the refusal to see the creative works with human errors and autoexigiendose too, often preferring not to create works for fear of seeing them human, not divine.

The cancer then there is often live their own creative potential, preferring to project onto your partner or a son that could do for himself.

Achilles Mythology:

The Fates, which are the three figures of fate, did not know what to do with Achilles, it had been bathed in the Styx and thus more deserving of immortality, but he was the son of man and had to be mortal, and who prophesied that either die reach young or live the glory years but a dark life. His mother Thetis would prefer the last option, but the hero Achilles chose the former.

The struggle for freedom from the goddess endangers his own life and death is perhaps in some levels to reach freedom in others. This scenario is seen daily in family stories Mother - Son: Sacrificing the potential for the comfort of living close Mother. Tethys
not to go to war enjoying a woman, but Odysseus finds him and takes him to fight, but continued to visit his mother Thetis, wear clean clothes, new armor, adequate clothing and even hot soup.

only thing that made Achilles develop his true courage, was the loss of his friend Patroclus, thirsty for revenge showed its value. We can see

for Cancer deep emotional loss may be the best levers to decide to open up to an open confrontation with life.

The archetype of the Great Mother or Great Goddess.

is a threat that lurks in many zodiacal signs like Scorpio, Pisces and others.
In Cancer is described as a giver of life and the governor of the sea "unconscious" uterine water from which emerges the child, and the unconscious from which individual identities emerge
His image of mother is the most powerful force in the life of a Cancer, but later change your personal mother creative unconscious, in any case, for better or worse cancer remains connected to the archetype of the Great Mother, as the crab that spends time at sea and time in beach.

The downside of this linkage is to paralyze the man or woman and thereby binds them to drown their potential.

thenar The upside is the ability to give birth to the images of the unconscious or creativity.

The separation of the mother for Cancer is a rite of passage important and necessary and must occur not just once but several times and many different levels.

As the crab must live near water and soil cancer is tied to the concrete world with one foot in the water so that it can be the uterus that allow the birth of the son of the sea.

Mythology and destination. Liz Greene.


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