Saturday, March 26, 2011

Best Us Malls Close To Toronto


giant loser
enormous desolation
rain Sunday
my room full of giant spiders'm
I can scare the human beast
huge man
fashion yesterday I got out of hand by your height
but now I see everything
and uploaded to a bridge
you're all you giant
outgrown even this world

Brazilian Wax Double Dip

Brightness Giant Rain in my city

shine Only riveting
'm a comet traveling
your galaxy
if I lose I'll recognize that I am
giant like the sun as you
the trick is getting lost amid
party we go
out there to waste time smoking
to know and if something goes wrong that shine
because I am a comet going through your galaxy

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rain is finished to the city for weeks harassment
people locked in home
paper in hopes that the water does not find
I still feel fragile
as before yesterday when rain
harassing us and I think if you
be fine if you're
think of your hair and your legs
back to sleep I dream of you
that are eternal night are nothing
step only if the step watching the rain
night rain in my city.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Insurance Claim Counter

Dark Side Stories

could arrange the pieces for us to operate
but not for me
now I realize that it was not much I cared
perhaps my only
why I get depressed by it rains
and not you thought of me
to give me back to the dark side
but now how to get out of there

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raining outside
7 mm in a drop falls
I'm dying of boredom
no longer do for fun
my albums bore me bore me I
books need someone
new stories to tell me stories Top
that what I experienced and lived through this
and want to be someone new
now in more.

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Stations Motorcycle

Even passing thousand stations fall
winter spring summer
I do not want to name our time
me laugh a lot you know?
inside me that everything happens in
not want to show as I am
moments that frighten me
but it is going
summer and did not want to put title to our business

Thank You For The Interview Email Subject

Try to make me smoke in your life, and I have not the strength to do it myself. And if it works now, at least going to work tomorrow.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Welcome Note To New Church Member

Uranus in Aries

The planet Uranus was discovered on March 11, 1781 by a German musician named William Herschel, to the name to a celestial object is the privilege of its discoverer, as t have a beginning the planet called Georgius Sidus (pllaneta George) in honor of the re and George III of England who had lost all their possessions in North America by independence. After astronomer Johann Elert Bode asked to be given continuity to the mythological tradition with the planets as far away as Uranus was Saturn, so must be the father as well as Saturn was the father of Jupiter.

However, in 1789 discovered the metallic chemical element called uranium, he was given that name in honor of the newly discovered planet.

same social level in 1789 French Revolution breaks out, one of the largest in history at that time the world was allowed to pass the call to freedom and most of the people was heard before monarchies.

interesting thing is that the planet Uranus has just entered the sign of Aries from March 11, 2011, is the zodiac sign of onset, is related to the change of seasons, the onset of spring is the union of celestial and ecliptic Ecuador, astrologers and astronomers use the 0 point of Aries to begin the location coordinates of the stars in the sky.

Aries is the sign of beginnings, of beginnings, is the gateway to the energy that revives the earth, the first sign of fire, cardinal leads us to look with strength and vigor to our destination.

past 84 years not playing to Aries Uranus, it is curious that its cycle around the sun takes 84 years, its discoverer (Herschel) died when he was 84.

84 years ago, in 1927 we had great discoveries and great changes, such as electricity began in the home, also became the first transatlantic flight and became the first transatlantic call.

Uranus is in Aries from 2011 to 2018, brings us great human revolutions, great discoveries and a lot of fire from the gods like Prometheus, who gave the men a stolen fire and therefore gained a great punishment in the Caucasus and Pandora's box men.
Just as the French revolution brought human rights, also brought the guillotine and many heads rolled before stabilizing, also the revolutions in our society have a moral cost, social and physical, but I'm sure lead us to understand better and deeper human beings in their true nature and have better life for future generations and with greater freedom for ourselves. Dar

battle today in a revolution is not necessarily going out to fight with someone, revolutions must be in the heart, mind and body.

  • that enslave us?
  • As we are liberated from those old kings internal?
  • Where is our strength of will?
  • How we use our ingenuity to successfully overcome our own moral or social prison?
  • rituals we do make sense or just do it because they always have done?
  • Let us be the heroes of our personal history or victims of life and destiny than others or the past or morals chosen by us.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Import Duty On Cosmetics

The bike goes around the corner
she has red hair and loose
makes noises I can not escape it is there
pointing their eyes if I escape
I still
to remind me that it existed in my life not
I can release it is there forever stalking me

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Getting Rid Of Tin Taste

Smoke Nights 40 °

If all nights will be ours to give me a mind that is no longer to do, to stay asleep.

How Many Calories Half A Chicken Chow Mein

I wear pajamas in bed I get
a tea with ginger
film before
to cover my eyes I hide
in my hair
disheveled bed I'm sick
with fever and at home
to miss no more school
or mother to take care
not shampoo film on Saturday afternoon
or grandmother to buy you a magazine is no longer
that grew up and rejected the principle
sorry but it was too late already have
big for that

How To Make Dinning Chair Slips

French Kiss Sweet and melancholy

A kiss from time to time does not make us bad
what makes us men
mustache or
French kiss that girl in the neighborhood?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Can You Buy A Cake With Lonestar?

A new record fine guitar
old company of my childhood days
care if I ask I hope you know understand
I need is not a fad
the world is destroying itself and I have
do not be afraid that I'm still waiting
like every day but yesterday was
fever and I think I dreamed you I hope you are
of my dream that I wanted
and you know what it costs me wanting lately
really want to get close to my
're not that far is not as difficult
'm sweet and melancholy

Saturday, March 12, 2011

How Long Does A Jd Take

tree house in the summer

My love got to my tree house
that I hope you
here in my child's body
shaking like a leaf

sometimes I scare you
with a story I'll tell you today you're not
and cold that no
March is winter winter

my tree house
did I tell you that I came out the mustache?
I feel great with that detail

but I sure am missing you
you come to cover my
to take care with your soups
but today is today and it seems an eternity

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to detonate a bomb is not now know how to handle, now is not where my nuclear shelter. Again be exposed, you can not feel like going out again. But is the second summer of the year and I have to be ready to be okay there.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Medion Drivers Md85081

Another Dreamer

surprise as I love every morning for breakfast
your face deformed by the vapor of brown unkempt
your smile
happiness consists
mornings with you
of nights I love you
surprise as every night when you sleep you

Thursday, March 10, 2011

4 Oz Chicken Breast Frozen Calories


If I dream so strong, I will no longer distinguish reality from dream.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Los Paco De Hombres Full Episodes

To save

I see but I'm in the jungle still
waiting for you my friends are already out
hear them shouting my name
hear them laughing like crazy
but I do not want to go without you
that is where is the exit
I can go as you please
but inside I am increasingly looking to save

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Play Pokemon Blue Online Through Emulator


my alarm sounds you're getting close too
not know if both
let you inside me I have
afraid to make changes
someone mismatch few nuts in the future
past but you do not fix it
well let
me who I am if I disarmed
completely transparent if you see me
your fault for giving me
security if you see me mourn
your fault for showing the world with you
not so bad

Groping Vidios Japan Train

the world could make you dance with your smile
of these
not you realize the folly
give me from the bar I see
as you dance for me one
not see anyone else
dance and moves her skirt
your tits jump all over the place
your body is a fire in my eyes
baby if I could teleport my room
but it is still rapid
are beginning
and sex ruins everything

How To Draw Diagram Of Car Accident

When faults were not anything

could solve everything with a hug of love song
outdoor smoking
suddenly I will
and sometimes makes me
see your photos online
thinking I could build you
paradise of poetry
rock your world I miss you
no doubt that I'm still waiting
solution or
you realize what we were when we left nothing

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How Manyce Credits Do I Need For Rn

I have a sore head
that I keep thinking if I could go off
for a day on your birthday
would not give you anything for
not to see you with your new boyfriend
you know I was thinking?
why my head hurts
imagines them naked in bed and I
heated and my head hurts thinking about
you two would be today if I could go off
it's your birthday

12' Plastic Pelican Jon Boat.

PiƱas Your birthday kisses as

If love is measured in debt would live quarreling
I never tire of talking with you
of quarreling
of punches hitting us in the form of kisses
I never tire of asking as you are so pretty that no
you got answers to my
for me because I am an inquisitive
know me love to hear from you

Slightly Open Cervix 13dpo


She asked permission nor presented
who cares
names when their eyes were burning looking at me
when their memories became one
their jokes and laughter
sweaty hands I felt the world was split
now we are trying anything more than friends
the world turns from dry land
summer for better or for worse
let you go and I have friends

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hottest Softcore Actress Brunette

goodbye When you're lonely

I said it would fill you with kisses
that vein that you mark on the side
but that was an excuse to fill
kisses you you laughed
blonde I saw you but never more Drogon that
always you took my wine
eight cigarettes you smoked in my living
I was there as the Bowie vinyl sounded like a top
there I was bitten by the wine
knowing that
going to end badly in my bed
as our visits always end sporadic
always knew the power
had on me and did not have to use your feminine powers
I had always bought
because that was the deal I
this when you feel alone