Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Place In Greece 2010

Reserve Cuyabeno Faunal Production. Ecuador. (II)

The second day is dedicated to making marches through the jungle in the morning we spent about four hours watching the two predominant ecosystems, forest land and swamp forest . Although the weather was not accompanied, was quite hot and rainy, it was very interesting to see the number of different species of flora and fauna in so little space. The morning ended with the objective of my camera played in the mud of the swamp forest, luckily in the end nothing happened.
The evening began with a very nerdy, piranha fishing, going to see sunset on the lake and a night march through the jungle where the protagonists were the frogs and spiders.

largest island in the lagoon
Osteocephalus taurinus
wolf spider
Goliath Spider
Scorpion Spider
golden silk spider, Nephila maculata
Ameerega bilingualism

Monday, August 16, 2010

Salmon Cakes Without Eggs

Reserve Cuyabeno Faunal Production. Ecuador. (I)

We left Quito at 11 pm on a travel after more than eight hours away by bus would take us to Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve , located in the province of Sucumbios in the northeast of Ecuador, bordering with neighboring Colombia and Peru. As we approached our destination we saw one of the dangers that lurk in this area, numerous oil wells connected by a pipeline parallel to the road. The second danger is the advancement of agricultural land, due to the action of the settlers formally promoted by the state. Although the reserve was created in 1979 to 4,000 square km and subsequently expanded to the current 6000, several "errors" have allowed the installation of wells within the reservation and does not seem that large companies are content with this.
The entry into the reserve made by the so-called Puente de Cuyabeno, where we all four wheels to get on a canoe that would be our means of transportation in the following days. Already on their way to Jammu Lodge, a cottage resort located in the so-called "untouchable zone" of the reserve, we saw the diversity of both flora and fauna that this area of \u200b\u200bthe Amazon rainforest.

Traveling to Jamu Lodge Cuyabeno
On the way stop to see the work of cutting ants
Squirrel monkey
Anaconda arborea
Green Ibis (Mesembrinidis cayennensis)
The King of mimicry, the Potoo
oriole nest

Once installed in the rooms and regained some energy swinging in a hammock, we got back to the canoe toward the Laguna Grande, the most important system lagoon in the reserve, take a bath, watch the sunset and the end of the day searching for alligators.

Jamu Lodge
Sunset in the Laguna Grande
a swim at sunset
white Cayman

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Small Bump In The Bum Hole

And for the birthday Demi .... Check out the mysapce

If you do not belong to Peru's official club Demi Lovato's still time. The last publication of the club speaks of celebraciondel Demi birthday, includes various activities: -------------------------------


is to inform you about the celebration of the 18th birthday of our dear Miss Lovato (8.20), which will be held on Saturday, August 21 from 4:00 to 11:00 pm. We will have special guests
the revelation of MTV Mia Mont and the winners of the Language of MTV Awards, Adammo. There will also be the prescencia of a tribute band we play some songs of our Demi dear. You also have the opportunity to participate in our karaoke and a 'particular' song contest .... more?

-------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

Never forget to join the official fan club. Sidebar data and links to pages concerning Official club. MEETINGS AND SHOWN IN THE FOLLOWING PICTURE (image taken from the fan club)

Until next

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

List Of Stores That Have Layaway

Isla de la Plata and Puerto Cayo

At six o'clock we started in a small boat towards the Isla de la Plata, the sky was overcast and drizzling slightly, luckily the boat had a toldito protecting us. After an hour and a half of travel we came to the island and as welcoming us several sea turtles approached the boat. Lots of birds flew around us and was a spectacle to see how fishing pelicans and frigates as trying to steal their catches. In some rocks I saw a blue-footed booby and got closer until he could make a good portrait, face looked at me thinking, "wow, another tourist with that eye as strange."
After visiting the island we returned to the boat to return to Puerto Cayo and on the road making whale watching. We saw several groups of up to four copies and enjoy the spectacular jumps, unfortunately when we came to be submerged, were times when nobody was talking and we looked a little afraid, thinking that with a little bump could own shatter the small boat.
Sometimes the pictures will "enhance" what you see but in this case does not do justice to what we saw and felt in the island and the boat ride.

blue-footed booby
hump why this species is named
the caudal fin are identified different individuals
A greeting over the humpback whale
common Aura (Cathartes aura) flying
Pelican in the Isla de la Plata
Frigate in flight

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Why Does My Sucker Fish Always Die

humpback whales. We are in Ecuador Quito

The main objective of our weekend getaway was to visit the Isla de la Plata, which many call the "Galapagos of the poor" for his similutud both geological and fauna with those, and we went to see humpback whales, between June and September, choose these waters to breed. For these activities, the core of all tour operators is Puerto Lopez, but blows of fate ended up in a much quieter town, opposite the Isla de la Plata, Puerto Cayo. No more staying in the hotel ask for the activities for Saturday and nothing, the entire whole, either from here or from Puerto Lopez had seats. We were lucky to find seats for on Sunday but would have to leave early if we wanted to do everything we planned.
We spent Saturday relaxing on the beach, enjoy local food with a wide variety of seafood and think what might bring us the next day.

Rocks on the beach and islet Pedernales
Sunset beach

A butterfly in the dining room

seafood rice with black shell

Views from the Hotel Puerto Cayo

camotillo shrimp fried tortilla

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Whatis Proofvests In Arabic

The first feeling we had in Quito was a city almost deserted, but of course we got a Sunday night, the next day everything changed. The city awoke Monday to a full capacity, high traffic and many people in the streets from early. The first day is dedicated to acclimate in the morning we had a meeting to meet with fellow ETA, which we will develop the volunteer work and then another in the AECI. In the afternoon we walk around the beautiful historic city center, declared the first Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 1978. The jet lag and altitude sickness was dented, but not enough to take a couple of beers at the Plaza Foch, Quito core of the march, before returning to the hotel.

Company Church

Domes of the Church of the Company from the Plaza de San Francisco

Catedral Metropolitana de Quito

Plaza de Santo Domingo

Calle Venezuela with the Basilica in the background

Independence Square